
Maturation inhibitor shows anti-HIV activity in single dose pilot study

New antiretrovirals at 12th CROI

500mg saquinavir (Invirase) approved in Europe

Roche discontinue ddC and Fortovase

Needle-free injections for T-20 in US

Atazanavir boosts intracellular saquinavir levels: data on important new dual-boosted regimen

Marked variability in plasma atazanavir levels: importance of ritonavir boosting and TDM

Effective switching to atazanavir/ritonavir in clinical practice

Ritonavir boosting may not overcome interaction between atazanavir and nevirapine

TDM in Ugandan study highlights importance of refridgerated ritonavir

Lower d4T dose maintains virologic suppression and CD4 increases

Widespread adoption of post exposure prophylaxis (PEP) recommended in US

European Approval For Kivexa (abacavir/3TC)

500 mg saquinavir (Invirase) approved in US

Indinavir not recommended in pregnancy due to reduced pharmacokinetic levels

25% patients take Kaletra on an empty stomach: dietary advice often missed at ‘centre of excellence’

Indinavir impairs endothelial function without insulin resistance

Tipranavir in treatment experienced patients: results from RESIST-1

Reverset: first data in patients with nucleoside resistance

Poor response with tenofovir and ddI backbone causes early study termination

Paradoxical CD4 response with tenofovir and ddI backbone

Tenofovir/FTC backbone outperforms AZT/3TC (Combivir) with efavirenz in treatment naive patients; reduced toxicity drives ITT viral efficacy

Limited stability of lopinavir/r (Kaletra) above 25°C

Once-daily T-20 is less effective than twice daily: lower potency is related to C trough

Further genetic link to efavirenz absorption

Roche discontinue plans for nelfinavir 625mg formulation

The X4 files: sampling the science on HIV co-receptors in Bangkok

Six generics compare well with US-made ARVs

Viral load response at 4 weeks predicts treatment success

Resistance mutations in patients with persistent viraemia show need to improve clinical assays

Researchers call for new approach to assessing pipeline drugs for salvage patients

Another chance for 3TC in patients with M184V mutation?

Kaletra monotherapy: small studies and early data

Lowering dose of d4T can maintain efficacy and reduce side effects

US FDA approves Glaxo and Gilead drug combinations

Abbott applies for once-daily license for lopinavir/r

AIDS activists respond to NIH decision on overriding HIV drug patent

Experimental compounds to target viral expression in latent cells

CD4 entry criteria dropped for UK tipranavir named patient access

Tenofovir/FTC co-formulation expected in US by September

Guidelines for T-20

Persistent HIV viraemia fosters immunologic harm and viral evolution

Latent drug-resistant HIV harboured for years

Antiviral activity of foscarnet in salvage therapy

US treatment guidelines updated – March 2004

Atazanavir launched in UK

Tenofovir/FTC co-formulation application made to EMEA

Abacavir/3TC co-formulation available in expanded access

Treatment with generics: tolerability, safety and resistance

Drug levels can persist for more than two weeks after stopping efavirenz

COLATE study shows no clinical benefit from continuing 3TC to maintain M184V mutation

Studies of new pipeline drugs

Little benefit seen for treatment during acute infection

Gilead discontinues DAPD development

Abbott raises price of ritonavir in the US by over 400%

Development of T-1249 put on hold

Tenofovir/abacavir/3TC triple-nuke fails as maintenance regimen

New data on viral load ‘blips’ and the link to replication

Invirase and Fortovase: new dosing regimens approved by FDA

UK named-patient access to tipranavir

FDA labelling changes for indinavir (Crixivan)

Switching from efavirenz to nevirapine to avoid CNS side effects

T20 is cost effective for UK purchasers

African patients and adherence in the UK

Five-year results of Kaletra-based therapy in treatment-naïve HIV patients

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