
Rituximab plus CDE for HIV-related Non-Hodgkins Lymphoma (NHL)

FTC (emtricitabine, Emtriva) approved in Europe

EMEA recommend approval for atazanavir for treatment experienced patients

Fosamprenavir (Lexiva) approved in US

US paediatric, adult and maternal-child guidelines updated

ddI may retain activity in nucleoside experienced patients

Studies and strategies with existing drugs

Incremental progress with new antiviral drugs

Atazanavir ‘named-patient’ access extended in the UK and includes 150mg capsule

Another triple nuke failure: abacavir/ddI/d4T

FDA announces changes to ritonavir package insert

New atazanavir information

Boosted PI therapy antiretrovirals in treatment-experienced patients: SQV/r, ATV, ATV/r

Tenofovir, resistance and K65R and concomitant nucleosides

Mitochondrial toxicity with AZT and d4T – and benefits of switch to abacavir

Nevirapine and MTCT: the single-dose backlash

Triple nucleoside combinations fail patients again

Nucleoside-sparing regimens

Dual boosted PIs in salvage therapy

BMS reports on atazanavir efficacy and safety in treatment experienced patients

Unsupervised treatment interruptions are associated with increased risk of AIDS or death

Step-wise intervention eases diarrhoea linked to PI nelfinavir (Viracept) therapy

Lessons learned from early HAART in acute HIV infection

CD4 cell reconstitution is significantly slower in older patients

Pharmacology studies at the 2nd IAS conference

T-20 launched in UK

US approval of FTC (emtricitabine)

T-20 approved in Europe

Tenofovir European licence extended to include first-line therapy

FDA approves atazanavir in US – a once daily protease inhibitor

Atanazavir and saquinavir in salvage therapy: reduced effect on lipids shown in pilot study

Major change to OPTIMA salvage therapy study in the UK

New 625mg formulations of nelfinavir

Lopinavir suitable for TDM

Less diarrhoea and bioequivalence with the new nelfinavir 625mg tablet

T-20 access programme to continue in UK for a further two months

Durability and success capability of HAART: 4.5 years follow-up

Older HIV-positive patients in the era of HAART: changing of a scenario

Immune reconstitution in older HIV-positive individuals

Pipeline compounds in Phase 2/3 Studies

96-week results show tenofovir-including regimen has side-effect advantages over d4T regimen in treatment naïve patients

2NN results – nevirapine and efavirenz in prospective randomised head-to-head study

NIH/NIAID study of generic drugs shows results consistent with stringent manufacturing standards

Treatment interruptions: cycles, pauses, are just plain stopping?

Trizivir-only arm closed in PI-sparing, naïve therapy trial

Fosamprenavir expanded access in UK

Roche prices enfuvirtide (T-20) at €18,980 a year – making it the most expensive HIV drug yet

European positive opinion for tenofovir for first-line therapy

Efficacy and safety of a quadruple combination Combivir + abacavir + efavirenz regimen in antiretroviral treatment-naive HIV-1-infected adults: La Francilienne

Combination of three generic drugs in one pill meets bioequivalence criteria when compared with the branded drugs: Triomune vs d4T/3TC/NVP

An overview of the conference

Pharmacokinetic evaluation of tenofovir and enteric-coated ddI

The advantages of fosamprenavir; comparing saquinavir/r to lopinavir/r; reducing viral load to <3 copies; AZT-d4T cross resistance; and rising HCV rates

Enfuvirtide (T-20): predicting success and modelling survival benefits

Virologic failure among treatment-naive patients taking tenofovir DF or stavudine in combination with lamivudine and efavirenz

Comparison of the efficacy and safety of tenofovir vs. d4T when used in combination with 3TC and efavirenz in ARV-naive patients

Safety profile of tenofovir in treatment-experienced patients

Roche and Trimeris able to make enough enfuvirtide (T-20) for only 12,000 people this year, 32,000 next year, citing difficulties in the manufacturing process

Vertex Pharmaceuticals announces submission of NDA/MAA filings in US and Europe for amprenavir pro-drug (GW433908)

BMS submits new drug application for investigational protease inhibitior atazanavir

Europe and America approve once-a-day stavudine (d4T, Zerit)

Tenofovir as HIV prevention: study to reduce HIV transmission in sexually active adults

Boehringer chooses dose for phase III studies of tipranavir/ritonavir PI combination

Boosted PIs: differences emerging in efficacy, tolerability, lipids

Europe steps in to protect discounted drugs for developing countries

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