
Hair analysis may help determine drug levels, adherence and virological response

Disadvantage from prior nucleoside therapy persists for years during HAART

BMS experimental PI atazanavir shows potency comparable to NNRTI efavirenz among treatment-naïve HIV patients

New evidence favours routine measurement of plasma concentrations in salvage therapy to maintain sustained drug levels

New safety information for ddI used with ribavirin

US FDA issues new safety information for tenofovir co-administration with ddI

European Commission approves new boosted saquinavir regimen (1000 mg saquinavir/100 mg ritonavir twice daily) for the treatment of HIV-1

US HIV community hold productive meeting with Schering-Plough on new anti-HIV entry inhibitors SCH-C and SCH-D

Notes on Schering-Plough/HIV community meeting held August 28 2002

US FDA announces important changes in amprenavir product labelling

Much lower dose of lamivudine needed for HIV-positive patients on dialysis

Patients discontinuing HAART must be carefully monitored

New anti-HIV compounds discussed at the Seville HIV Drug Resistance Workshop and the Barcelona World AIDS Conference

Management of people with treatment experience and drug resistance

Lopinavir/r exhibits sustained virologic response in antiretroviral-naïve patients: 3-year data

Patients will have options regarding T-20 (enfuvirtide) injection sites

The role of tenofovir in antiretroviral-naive patients

New data from clinical trials of antiretrovirals

Trial supports lopinavir/ritonavir as first-line therapy in HIV infection

Ritonavir has anti-neoplastic effects independent of HIV inhibition

Pharmacokinetics and further benefits of therapeutic drug monitoring (TDM)

BMS advice on interaction between didanosine EC and tenofovir

Optimal antiretroviral drug levels improve outcomes

Roche and Trimeris announce 24-week results from second pivotal study of HIV fusion inhibitor T-20

New study adds to evidence showing adherence is linked to survival

Intermittent use of ART is associated with increased mortality

Amprenavir mutations may significantly affect LPV resistance

24-week results from phase III study of HIV fusion inhibitor T-20

Abacavir treatment limited by prior NRTI exposure

Hydroxyurea: in vitro evidence of potency against HIV viral reservoirs

Transient increases in viral load are common among people on HAART, finds a study of UK patients

Meta-analysis supports triple therapy for HIV infection

New drugs: perhaps some genuine excitement this time

T20 and beyond: inhibition of HIV attachment and fusion at the 9th CROI

Pharmacogenetics predict abacavir hypersensitivity

Hepatic injury with nevirapine related to drug level and hepatitis C infection

Study finds that PI-containing regimens have a beneficial effect on oral candidiasis independent of any immune reconstitution

Tenofovir DF approved for marketing in European Union

It may be important to screen and treat riboflavin deficiency in patients on nucleoside analogues

Factors associated with immunologic stability despite protease inhibitor based HAART “failure”

NIAID funds 9-year, 6,000-participant study to look at how best to use antiretrovirals

Impaired response to HAART found in HIV-positive individuals with high autonomic nervous system activity

Anti-HIV effects of the malarial drug chloroquine

Treatment guidelines should place more emphasis on CD4+ counts than on viral loads

Impact of Kaletra on amprenavir plasma concentrations in HIV treatment-experienced patients

ddI EC (Videx) study confirms and clarifies dosing on an empty stomach

Swatch study: should we be cycling drugs?

New HIV drugs, resistance, pharmacogenomics

Antiretroviral therapy

Delaying antiretroviral therapy may be considered for many patients

Correlation between reduction in plasma HIV1 RNA concentration 1 week after start of antiretroviral treatment and longerterm efficacy

One week on, one week off experimental regimen might reduce the cost and toxicities of HIV therapy

Enteric coated didanosine significantly reduces nausea, bloating, GI upset

Secondary mutations in HIV-1 protease predict treatment failure in naive patients

Antiretroviral regimen complexity, self-reported adherence, and HIV patients’ understanding of their regimens: survey of women in the HERS study

Study indicates NNRTI mutations have little effect upon HIV-1 replicative capacity

Tenofovir DF 907 study

The Max Cmin 1 trial: indinavir/ritonavir vs. saquinavir/ritonavir

Prevalence of adverse events associated with potent antiretroviral treatment: Swiss HIV cohort study

European CPMP gives positive opinion for European licensing of tenofovir DF

EC approves abacavir for use by HIV-infected children

Report on salvage therapy from the 39th annual meeting of the IDSA

Tenofovir DF: results from phase III study released

US FDA committee recommends approval for tenofovir

HIV suppression in lymphoid tissue varies with antiretroviral regimen

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