
Adherence rates lower than 95% are associated with virologic failure

Discontinuation rates similar between HAART regimens

African patients with non-B subtypes respond to HAART

Entry inhibitor updates from the 1st IAS

Durable HIV treatment benefit despite low-level viraemia: reassessing definitions of success or failure

Anticancer drug 9-nitrocamptothecin (9NC) inhibits HIV-1 replication

T-20: will long-term use weaken the immune system’s ability to fight HIV?

The steady-state pharmacokinetics of efavirenz and nevirapine when used in combination in human immunodeficiency virus type 1-infected persons

Ritonavir approved in Europe as pharmacokinetic enhancer for use with other antiretrovirals

Tenofovir: Gilead applies for approval, expanded access relaxed

Outcome of patients with discordant responses to HAART

Self-reported symptoms after starting HAART help predict adherence

DuPont applies to FDA for approval of one-tablet, once daily formulation of efavirenz

Patient age influences CD4+ cell recovery with HAART

First randomised trial shows clinical benefit of TDM for people using nelfinavir or indinavir containing combinations

Preliminary data from four studies of double PI regimen using once daily Fortovase plus “mini dose” ritonavir

Roche and Trimeris announce US sites and investigators for T-20 phase III study; activists want wider access to drug for sickest AIDS patients

European marketing approval granted for lopinavir/r (Kaletra)

HIV-1 strains using the CXCR4 co-receptor are suppressed with potent therapy

Efavirenz use in HIV-positive children

Drugs need not be stopped because of neutropenia in HIV-positive patients

Capravirine clinical trials restricted: additional safety evaluation required

Gilead announces start of early access program for investigational anti-HIV agent tenofovir DF in United States and France

Differentiating within and between drug classes: sometimes it’s toxicity, sometimes its efficacy

HAART initiated during primary HIV infection leads to faster and more complete immune reconstitution

Viral response to antiretroviral therapy slower during acute HIV-1 infection

European Commission approves GlaxoSmithKline’s HIV triple therapy Trizivir

Lamivudine withdrawal may reactivate HBV in HIV-positive patients

CPMP delivers positive opinion on Kaletra

Clinical issues arising from a single treatment interruption

A review of new anti-HIV drugs in development

Adherence and HAART: unique approaches to evaluating and improving adherence discussed

Importance of intensive adherence support for people with HIV-related neurological symptoms

Efavirenz side effects become long-term for over one in three

ABT-378/r oral formulation available in UK

Trimeris, Roche to begin phase III pivotal trials of T-20 HIV fusion inhibitor

United States FDA approves Kaletra for HIV infection

Videx EC (ddI, didanosine) – food restrictions

Importance of protease inhibitor plasma levels in patients treated with genotypic-guided therapy

Flavopiridol inhibits cellular processes essential to replication of HIV

Abbott expands early-access program for ABT-378/r (Kaletra)

Roche and Trimeris announce intention to manufacture commercial supplies of anti-HIV fusion inhibitor T-20

PRO-542 shows efficacy in trial

New potential dual NNRTI-based combinations

Once-daily protease-based regimens

European drug approvals: amprenavir, ddI EC, Trizivr and Kaletra

DAPD shows activity in vitro against multidrug-resistant HIV but initial results from monotherapy in treatment experienced subjects are disappointing

Indinavir/ritonavir at 400/400 mg or 800/100 mg as intensification

Ritonavir/saquinavir combination: effect of ritonavir dosage

Nevirapine vs efavirenz: the SENC trial

Nevirapine daily exposure for daily 400 mg dose compared to 200 mg twice-daily

Didanosine systemic exposure in children similar with or without food, high interpatient variability suggests TDM to titrate individual dosages

Low level HIV replication despite good virological response may explain CD4+ cell decline in a patient receiving combination nucleoside analogue therapy

ABT-378/r (lopinavir) now available on named patient basis in UK

Enteric coated ddI available on named patient basis in UK

Nelfinavir potency concerns

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