Q and A

HIV testing

I had a negative and a positive test result for HIV – which is it?

I have Crohns disease, will this affect my HIV test result?

What are my chances of catching HIV?

I have had 3 negative HIV tests – have I got HIV?

I need peace of mind about my test results…..

Is my HIV test conclusive after 12 weeks?

Are sore gums a sign of HIV infection?

I am experiencing lots of different symptoms – could I have HIV?

My condom fell off, am I HIV positive?

Is a test at 12 weeks accurate?

I had sex with an unknown person, what should I do?

What is the likelihood I am HIV positive?

Does late testing work?

Is this a symptom of early HIV infection?

Am I HIV positive?

I have uveitis, am I HIV positive?

Am I HIV positive?

Are HIV tests conclusive?

Shall I retest?

Shall I retest?

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