Q and A

HIV testing

I am confused about the GUM suggestion, what shall I do?

Can I relax now?

Why is my boyfriend taking ARVs?

Shall I give up my concerns?

What is the chance of him being infected?

Can stress cause the same symptoms as HIV?

What is the most recorded early HIV symptom?

Should I retest?

Does PEP extend the window period for testing?

Shall I retest?

Why do I need to test after 6 months?

Is this considered a high risk?

Is oral candida an early symptom of HIV-infection after 50 days?

Shall I retest?

How long do I need to wait before I test again?

Will the test show positive now?

What are the chances my partner has HIV and does not know?

I am worried. What shall I do?

What are the chances of receiving a positive result?

Am I really negaive?

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