CROI 18 (Retrovirus) 2011

Cure research at CROI 2018: defining and reducing the reservoir and the risks from interrupting treatment

18th Conference on Retroviruses and Opportunistic Infections (CROI) 27 February-–3 March 2011, Boston

Monitoring treatment in resource limited settings: results from PHPT-3 and Stratall ANRS12110/ESTER trials

DART: high rates of viral suppression after five years and a single CD4 test with a threshold of 250 cells/mm3 could reduce unnecessary switching

Lopinavir/r monotherapy used as second-line therapy in resource-limited settings

Treating children previously exposed to single dose nevirapine: update on IMPAACT P1060 and NEVEREST

Lopinavir/ritonavir oral solution toxicity in neonates

Paediatric antiretroviral pipeline: darunavir and raltegravir

Pharmacokinetics of different rifabutin dosing strategies with lopinavir/ritonavir-based ART

Initiation of ART during breastfeeding can induce multidrug resistance in infants

18th Conference on Retroviruses and Opportunistic Infections (CROI), 27 February–-3 March 2011, Boston

When to start ART in patients co-infected with TB: results from two trials presented at CROI

Inflammation and intervention: how does HIV cause AIDS and how does it cause disease despite ART

18th Conference on Retroviruses and Opportunistic Infections (CROI), 27 February-–3 March 2011, Boston

New antiretrovirals: dolutegravir, entry inhibitor (BMS-663068) and tenofovir pro-drug (GS-7340)

Immune-based treatment increases HIV-resistant CD4 cells in phase 1 study

Antiretroviral prevention: oral PrEP, gels and treatment studies

Further efficacy analyses from the iPrEx study

Topical gels as PEP and PrEP: animal and human studies

Maternal risk following short course HAART

Pre-term delivery and HAART

HAART more effective than AZT monotherapy in the Botswana PMTCT programme

Lopinavir/r monotherapy for PMTCT

No evidence of increased risk of MTCT with sequential pregnancies in UK and Ireland

Recently infected women at the time of delivery have a higher rate of in-utero transmission in PEPI-Malawi

Reduced CCL22 concentrations in cervicovaginal secretions from pregnant women

First results from telaprevir in HIV/HCV coinfection

HCV reinfection rates in HIV-positive gay men