Basic science and immunology

Post-treatment control of HIV replication and prospects for a functional cure

Study summaries from ICAAC 2012

Towards an HIV cure: early developments reported

New data on the Berlin patient: interpret with caution

Role of cell-to-cell transmission in sustaining the HIV reservoir

Cure research takes centre stage: proof of concept for activating the latent reservoir

5th HIV Persistence Workshop on HIV Reservoirs, 6-9 December 2011, West Indies

Workshop report and commentary: HIV persistence and reservoirs

Exercise as immune-based therapy

Mapping the long genetic road to broadly neutralising antibodies

Monkey viral reservoir study goes for gold

Immune pressure on HIV

Lymphocyte production capacity in HIV: links to immune activation & immune reconstitution on ART

Cure research and viral reservoirs

Treatment in seroconversion maintains HIV specific immune responses similar to long term slow progressors

Preventive technologies, immune-based and gene therapies, and research towards a cure

Reduced HIV replication in CD4 T cells from elite controllers

More studies on the loss of naive T cells

The immunological effects of old age and anti-CMV immunity in HIV infection

Continuing debate over the role of microbial translocation in HIV infection

Jostling latent HIV from slumber

Dubious analysis of a therapeutic tat vaccine trial

Studies on the loss of naive T cells

Intensifying treatment does not reduce HIV reservoirs, but gut immune responses may have a role to play

Anchors away: new HIV entry inhibitor study creates a splash

TB vaccine including a latency-associated protein shows pre- and post-exposure efficacy in mouse model

T-cell activation and senescence associate with carotid artery disease in HIV-positive women

T-cell senescence linked to KS in peoplewith good HIV control

Berlin man remains free of detectable HIV 3.5 years after CCR5-negative stem celltransplant

Natural immunity to HIV infection

Scant embers of infection can reignite viralreplication

Evidence for sporadic low-level HIV replication on ART

Plumbing HIV pathogenesis in the gut

Genetic analyses reveal key mechanism of HIV control

A new point of care CD4 test

Rapporteur summaries

Signs of progress in gene therapy for HIV

HIV infection, inflammation and premature ageing

Antiretroviral therapy dramatically reduces HIV transmission

Immune-based therapies and preventive technologies pipeline

HIV persistence, raltegravir/maraviroc intensification and immunology

The antiviral impact of CD8 T cells: much ado about the mechanism

Bad to the bone marrow?

Cell-free vs cell-associated HIV transmission

Coagulation and inflammatory biomarkers in children and adolescents with HIV

Pre-infection CD8 T cells targeting HIV linked to lower post-infection viral load

Early predictors of disease progression

Sex and the single microbicide

Baseline naive CD4 T cell numbers predict the immunological response to ART

Has poor CD4 T cell reconstitution in the gut been exaggerated?

Early predictors of disease progression

Bridging the neurology-immunology barrier

Free journal on immunology and cardiovascular disease

Aging, HIV infection and the immune system

New neutralising antibodies discovered

The end of the line for IL-2

Trends in Immunology: free access issue on immune senescence

Low viral loads in elite controllers

Immune surveillance below the radar: study offers explanation for acyclovir’s failure to reduce HIV risk

Low-level HIV replication versus latency: identifying the source of viral rebounds during treatment interruption

Maximum suppression: ART intensification does not reduce residual viral load

The role of Ad5-specific CD4 T-cells in enhancing risk of HIV acquisition in the Merck vaccine trial

Tracing HIV reservoirs

Illuminating early events in HIV infection using single genome amplification

Whole body CD4 T cell census questions role of gut

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