Q and A


Do I need to take all my meds at the same time?

I am 22 and want to improve my adherence?

Can I split Atripla to make the pill easier to swallow?

What is the risk of resistance from a late dose of Atripla?

As I am missing doses, what can help or should I stop?

Is ARV drug absorption reduced after colon removal?

Hearing loss and starting treatment at a high CD4 count

What do my test results mean and do I have resistance?

I have questions regarding adherence and research….

What are the risks missing weekend meds?

If I adhere 100% will resistance happen over time anyway?

I didn't take my meds with food – will I get resistance?

Should I worry about an Atripla dose that is 4 hours late?

Can my doctor force me to take treatment if I don't want it?

What are the risks of taking an over-dose of ARVs?

Can I take herbal remedies with Atripla?

If I change the time I take Atripla to fit in with my shift work will it cause resistance?

How precise should I be with the time I take my medication?

How can I use raltegravir as first treatment in the UK?

I take efavirenz and just found out I am pregnant…

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