Q and A


Can I switch to take meds in the morning instead of the evening?

Will I get any symptoms if I do not take my med regularly?

Does taking Atripla with food causes resistance?

I have a detectable viral load, should I change treatment ?

I'm tired of meds, but people tell me to see a professional?

Will I get any symptoms if I do not take my med regularly?

I missed taking my medication for 4 days – can I develop resistance?

I find it hard to take my meds at work – can I take a late dosage?

Will my adherence be better if I change medication?

Will the change in time affect timing for my medication?

What happens if don’t take Atripla on an empty stomach?

Should I be worried if I am late taking my meds?

If it only weigh 60 kg can I ease up on adherence?

What does 'take with food' mean for darunavir?

Alcohol with Atripla?

Can I take Stocrin and Truvada at the same time?

Is this a blip on Truvada and nevirapine?

I'm worried about my partner drinking heavily on Atripla

I am scared that my viral load has rebounded over 750…

How do I switch times zones in Europe for my meds?

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