Q and A

CD4 and viral load

My CD4 is high, but am I going to be OK?

I started ART without a CD4 test… can I really life another 10 years?

HIV meds made me sick before but now I am pregnant…

What are my choices for HIV drugs in Birmingham?

My friend is having big problems after starting ART with a low CD4…

What is the difference between stopping meds and never starting them?

My gf learned she is positive but my results are negative…

How long will the pains in my feet take to go?

How can I get my CD4 count above 400 cells/mL

Should I start ART with a CD4 count of 450?

What reduces the time treatment takes to work?

How soon will my friends treatment take to work? His CD4 count is 36.

I’ve decided to start ART with CD4=28…

How long should I wait for undetectable viral load?

I have been on AZT for 10 years…

I am worried about a low CD4 and fewer tests in the Philippines?

Should I be worried with a CD4 drop at high levels?

Is my viral load of 91 copies/mL a blip?

Can I my partner catch HIV if my viral load is 100 copies/mL?

Is a CD4 of 200 okay?

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