Q and A

CD4 and viral load

I’m undetectable, does my partner needs PrEP?

When does someone become undetectable?

Can you start ARVs before you know your CD4 count?

What’s of these viral load results is better?

What happens if my meds don’t work?

I took my meds at the wrong time, is this OK?

I’m on medication, can I transmit HIV?

Is there anything after second line treatment?

How can VL go down before ART and can I get single pill ART in the UK?

If someone’s CD4 is 560, should they be on meds?

My CD4 has dropped, but my viral load is undetectable, is this OK?

If I stop meds, what will happen?

How can I increase my CD4 count?

Add etravirine to Genvoya – NOT RECOMMENDED

My viral load is undetectable, can I transmit HIV?

Can a persons CD4 count fluctuate?

Why has my CD4 dropped?

I’m not on meds, can I transmit HIV?

Will HIV tests be positive if viral load is undetectable?

My CD4 is 35, is this OK?

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