Q and A

CD4 and viral load

My CD4 is high, does this mean that I’m undetectable?

My partners viral load is undetectable, will I contract HIV?

When will my meds start to work?

Can I start treatment with a high CD4 count?

I’m on medication, can I transmit?

Is it safe to take ARVs when you’re pregnant?

My viral load has gone from 20 to 50, is this a problem?

I have been diagnosed with CD4 of 16?

Are immune boosters any good?

Do I need my CD4 retested?

Viral rebound, what should I do?

Can I change treatment?

Will nigella seeds (black seeds) help my CD4 count?

Is HIV still damaging my body?

How serious is this CD4 drop on ART?

Will my CD4 rise to 500?

Will I always test HIV positive even with undetectable viral load?

When should I start treatment?

Not on treatment, can I have kids?

CD4 of 367, is this OK?

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