Q and A


How risky is an abortion if I am positive?

My girlfriend has herpes. Can we have a baby naturally?

Do I need to start treatment if I'm planning to have a baby?

Should I stop taking Stocrin now that I am pregnant?

Does the HIV in breast milk die after the milk has been expressed?

I am trying to conceive with no luck. Does Atripla kill sperm?

My boyfriend is HIV positive, can I get pregnant?

My girlfriend is HIV positive and I'm negative. How can we have a baby?

Will my CD4 count drop after I give birth?

My baby is quite small, should I be worried?

How bad is it to have diabetes and HIV together?

What are risks in pregnancy if I am not yet on treatment?

My wife is positive and 2 months pregnant – why am I negative?

I am 4 weeks pregnant. When should I start treatment?

We are both positive. How can we have a negative baby?

I’m positive and my boyfriend is negative – can we have a child?

How long will my wife need to take ARVs?

I'm pregnant – why do I need a second HIV test?

I am pregnant. When do I start taking ARV’s?

I am newly diagnosed. Can I have children?

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