Q and A


If I become pregnant, can I give birth to a negative baby?

Do I test my child if my wife was positive during pregnancy?

Does pregnancy affect HIV test results?

Can HIV medication cause miscarriage at 1 week?

Why am I being advised to have a vaginal delivery?

How can I get pregnant when I am HIV positive?

Do I continue ARVs after my pregnancy?

When exclusively breastfeeding, can I give my baby water or ORS?

Will my CD4 increase using ARVs in pregnancy?

Are meds working ok in pregnancy?

What things are important about HIV treatment during pregnancy?

Will starting treatment late in pregnancy still protect my baby?

When should I start AZT if I'm pregnant with CD4 at 700?

Is there a new sperm washing procedure?

I have had one negative and one positive test, what should I do?

I'm positive, on treatment and I'm 5 weeks pregnant…

Is my risk of HIV higher if it is my first time having sex?

I am in a serodiscordant couple, can we have children naturally?

My viral load increased in my third trimester – what should I do?

Can I have a child naturally?

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