Q and A


Can I have a ‘normal’ relationship with someone who is positive?

We are both positive, can we have a negative baby?

Can I have a negative baby?

I want to have a baby but I am positive, how can I do it?

If I stop taking Bactrim, is it bad for my baby?

I am HIV positive, can I still have children?

I am pregnant and HIV positive: how do I tell my partner>

I am a HIV positive man – can I ever have a child?

Should I terminate my pregnancy?

Can an HIV positive woman with a new infection (less than a year) and a CD4 count above 1200 infect a man?

Does my partner need to use a condom if I am on efavirenz and want to become pregnant?

Can I have been HIV-positive since 1996 and not known it?

Can pregnant women take efavirenz?

Can students in the UK get free healthcare?

Can a woman conceive if she is not on treatment?

How risky is it to unblock my fallopian tubes and can I have a child if I have HIV?

We want to start a family, what are the risks?

Where can I get fertility treatment?

What options are there other than sperm washing?

If I am pregnant can I take AZT on its own?

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