Q and A


Does AZT change the colour of my nails?

I take efavirenz and just found out I am pregnant…

Will prevention of mother to child transmission (PMTCT) drugs harm my baby?

I am still worried I may have HIV?

I am positive, my partner is negative can we conceive naturally?

Will my CD4 count increase after I give birth?

I am a male that is HIV positive and my partner is HIV negative, is there a way we can still have children?

Can I have children if I have an undetectable viral load?

Is it possible to have a HIV negative baby if we are both HIV positive?

Is my girlfriend protected from HIV? Can we have a baby?

Can I have a baby on my current drug combination?

Can I have my baby in the UK?

Pregnancy without viral load results

How can I increase my sexual desire?

Can I get pregnant with a CD4 count of 360?

Do HIV-positive pregnant women have to have an abortion?

What shall I switch to?

Is sperm-washing needed if both partners are HIV-positive?

Swiss statement and other questions

Can we stop using condoms in order to have a baby?

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