Q and A


Can we adopt a child?

Shall I continue treatment during the first trimester?

Is it safe for an adult to use a babys dummy?

Can we have a negative baby?

Can I have a baby if my partner is HIV negative?

Shall I have the same dosage if I am pregnant?

Is my future baby at risk of infection because I am not on treatment now?

Can we have have an HIV negative baby?

Does nevirapine cause delay in progress of labour?

Can I marry a girl?

Can we have a child?

Will I use the same meds for my treatment that I used in pregnancy?

Will my baby have HIV if we do not go for sperm washing?

What are the chances of my baby being positive?

Can I take Immunadue during pregnancy?

Can I have unprotected sex with my partner?

Can my partner become a mother?

What does 'limited conception attempt' mean?

If I am HIV negative is there any chance my baby can be HIV positive?

Can you give me some information about sperm washing?

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