Slide sets from talks and workshops
9 July 2024. Related: Advocates, Resources.
The following selected slide sets from over 60 community workshops and other talks were produced by i-Base advocates.
These are free to use for any non-commercial application.
When third-party slides are used these remain the copyright of the original author.
Most talks are by Simon Collins, unless specified otherwise.
2024 changes in the UK Guide to PrEP: a community perspective
This talk was given on 9 July 2024 as part of the HIV GUM training for medical staff at the Chelsea and Westminster Hospital London.
It is a community perspective on the upcoming changes in the upcoming joint BHIVA/BASHH PrEP Guidelines expected later in 2024.]
A technical presentation of the key studies and data supporting these changes was given by Dan Clutterbuck at the BHIVA annual conference this year and also by Sheena McCormack to the HIV GUM training course several week earlier.
The non-techincal talk also explains the background to both the UK Community Guide and the timeline for the UK Guidelines. The slideset includes the data slides relating to oral PrEP from Dan Clutterbuck’s talk at BHIVA.
C&W PrEP – PowerPoint file (9.5 MB)
500 sexual partners: Including community in HIV research
This talk was given on 18 June 2024 at the BASHH annual conference in Bournemouth.
The session was about approaches to statistical modelling.
This talk was abiout the importance of including community to make sure the best and most relevant data is available for these models. It includes examples of where community input changed the design of research studies.
It also highlighted examples where the lack of data becomes a block to effective services, for example over transgender health, support services for chemsex and PrEP for trans men.
The title was based on the example of partner numbers asked for in recent survey, where the upper limit was just >10. This ignored an important percentage of people where numbers could easily be much higher. The importance of risk ir perhaps more important than partner number.
BASHH modelling 2024 FINAL (PDF)
Treatment and prevention update 2024
These slides are from workshops presentations on 1 June 2024.
They were run by Simon Collins and Angelina Namiba at the 6th UK Conference for people living with HIV.
The workshops included first-hand experience from someone using injectable ART (CAB/RPV-LA), important new options on for taking PrEP, and the importance of solidarity and support for trans and non-binary people during 2024.
HIV+ UK 2024 FINAL 010624 (15 MB)
4MNet: Women, treatment and our wellbeing
This online workshop on 26 January 2024 for the 4M women’s network was to provide an overview and update about HIV treatment.
It included co-morbidities that affect us and about living well with HIV.
This was for women living in Kenya, Uganda and the UK.
The talk is also posted to Vimeo online.
IAS 2023 – UK-CAB Feedback
Community feedback talk from the IAS 2023 conference held in Brisbane, Australia in July 2023.
The slides were based on virtual reporting from the meetings.
Highlights included new cure-related studies, including the Geneva patient. Also lots about HIV complications including the REPRIEVE study that used a statin to reduce cardiovascular risk.
IAS 2023 feedback – PDF talk
IAS 2023 feedback – PowerPoint slides
cliniQ conference: PrEP for trans people
These few slides were used as an introduction to aa panel discussion at the 9th CliniQ Conference held on 20 April 2023.
The discussion wanted to cover important issues including the lack of data on trans people in the UK who use PrEP, but also to emphasise that PrEP is just as safe and effective as for cisgender people.
Also that there are no drug interactions between PrEP and gender affirming hormones.
CliniQ PrEP apr 23 – PowerPoint slides
CliniQ PrEP apr 23 – PDF slides.
Aidsfonds Stakeholder meeting on cure-related research
This was research workshop held on 10 January 2023 brought together different stakeholders involved in cure-related research.
The couple of slides here highlighted three headline points that were used in some of the group discussions.
AIDSFONDS slides – jan 23 – PowerPoint
AIDSFONDS slides – jan 23 – PDF
HIV activism and future HIV drug research
This talk was given as part of the Turkish Civil Society #HIV2022 Conference held from 4 to 6 November 2022 in Istanbul.
Although the main conference was aa face-to-face meeting, this talk was given virtually.
It looks at the role of activism in developing effective HIV drugs and includes information of drugs currently in the pipeline.
Turkey #HIV2022 – PowerPoint
Turkey #HIV2022 – PDF
HIV late diagnosis: Article and interview
These links are to an article in a special supplement the medical journal HIV Medicine about late HIV diagnosis from a community perspective.
The authors are all members of the UK-CAB.
The interview is for Medscape about this and other papers from the supplement.
Late diagnosis of HIV in 2022: Why so little change? Collins S, Namiba A, Sparrowhawk A, Strachan S, Thompson M, Nakamura H. HIV Medicine. 2022; 23(11): 1118–1126. doi:10.1111/hiv.13444.
Medscape. Late HIV tied to misclassifications in European surveillance efforts (21 December 2022).
BMJ podcast on mpox
This links to an interview and discussion about the mpox outbreak.
EATG/STEPS cure workshop
This short talk was given on 23 October 2022 as part of a workshop on cure research organised by the EATG at the Glasgow Congress.
It recommends the IAS review of cure-related research, and talks about community issues in that document. This includes the importance of have greater diversity of participants in these studies – including by sex, gender, race, ethnicity and geographic region.
Includes new data from TAG on sex and ethnicity in cure research and the personal impact of joining a cure study.
Download slides – PDF file
HIV science for the community
This slide set covers two European workshops in September 2022 organised by Africa AIDS Foundation (AAF).
They give an introduction to HIV treatment for health workers who have clients who are living with HIV,
Download PowerPoint slides (5 MB)
Download PDF (2 MB)
Research priorities for an HIV cure: the science in context: a community perspective
This talk was given in July 2022 as part of the IAS cure research workshop held in Montreal just before the AIDS 2022 conference.
It included talking about how community advocates are involved in this research, but that this needs to be expanded, Community representation needs to include a wider group of people globally just as cure-related research also needs to be international.
Download PDF file (12 MB)
Link to all talks at the workshop.
HIV treatment and innovations in care
Talk given jointly in June 2022 with Angelina Namiba from the 4MM network. This was for a workshop as part of the 5th UK Conference of people living with HIV.
This covered latest HIV drugs and those expected in the near future.
This included long-acting drugs and the potential for different formulations.
It also talked about standards of care in the UK and the issues linked to HIV and ageing.
Download PowerPoint slides PowerPoint slides (5 MB)
Download PDF file (1.8 MB)
The RIO study
This is a very short talk given to participants on the UK RIO study.
This study uses two bNAbs to see whether viral load can remain undetectable after infusions of bNAbs and a treatment interruption.
Download PDF (300 KB)
Community involvement in the IAS cure strategy
Talk given in May 2022 as part of an IAS webinar.
This focussed on the IAS strategy for cure research, especially the latest 5-year review on recent and future research.
This included input of community advocates in this process.
Download PowerPoint slides (3.4 MB)
Download PDF file (3 MB)
Feedback from CROI 2022
This is a talk to the UK-CAB in April 2022 about the main new from the recent CROI 2022 conference.
This included new drugs like lenacapavir, bNAbs, long-acting injectable ART, cure-related research, the ANCHOR study and more.
Download PDF (6 MB)
Women and ageing
This talk in March 2022 looked at issues that are important for women getting older with HIV.
This includes being actively involved in care and treatment decisions, medical issues that need monitoring and screening, side effects of ART and the importance of good mental health.
Download PDF (3 MB)
Women, treatment and well-being
Talk on 23 March 2022 for workshops organised by the 4MM project.
This is a general overview about being engaged and active in your own treatment decisions.
It was an introduction to HIV including CD4 counts and viral load, adherence and starting and changing HIV meds.
Download PowerPoint slides (5 MB)
Download PDF file (1 MB)
Caution on CAB-LA PrEP and population drug resistance
This was a short talk for the AfroCAB about long-acting cabotegravir injections (CAB-LA) and PrEP.
It is essential that CAB-LA becomes rapidly available as an option to protect against HIV all people globally. Modelling studies show that access can safely provided with only a small risk of drug resistance.
This talk highlights some of these areas with a caution that models should include the possibility that larger percentages of people discontinue CAB-LA, as they have done with oral PrEP.
Download PowerPoint slides (2 MB)
Download PDF (2 MB)
Healthy Living with HIV: what do COVID vaccines mean for people living with HIV
Talk given to a medical workshop on the 2 October 2021 about what vaccines mean for people living with HIV.
Use of generic HIV medicines in the UK
Slides from a short talk on 1 July 2021 at a regional meeting in on Access, Quality and Pricing of HIV Drugs in SEE Countries (Bosnia and Herzegovina, Montenegro, North Macedonia, and Serbia).
i-Base was included to give a perspective from the UK, including that generic HIV drugs are not only widely used, but are an essential strategy to retaining free health care on the NHS.
Generics in the UK – (PowerPoint slides)
Generics in the UK (PDF)
HIV 40 Years On: perspective of being an active patient
Webinar on 23 June 2021, jointly organised by the Fast Track Cities London and the Worshipful Society of Apothecaries.
This was both to recognise the medical advances for the 40th anniversary of the first publication of HIV cases in the US and to look forward to the goals of “Getting to Zero” by 2030.
Download slides (PDF)
Webcast and info on Fast Track Cities website
Webcast on You Tube
Community panel webinar on COVID-19
Roundtable discussion organised by Jim Pickett from AIDS Foundation Chicago and IAS-USA with six community advocates on difference aspects of COVID-19. No slides but maybe of interest to hear about different international perspectives.
Introduction to U=U for Trans and MSM HIV support group in Nepal
These slides were for a virtual workshop on 22 May 2021 about U=U for a Trans and MSM HIV support group in Nepal.
Many of the slides are similar to other U=U presentations, but this started with general questions and discussions.
The science showing U=U is a fact came after everyone had a good understanding of what U=U meant in practice.
U=U peer support Nepal – Slides with notes (PDF 3 MB)
U=U peer support Nepal – 22 May 2021 (PDF 8MB)
History of U=U: getting wider awareness
This talk was part of a peer support virtual workshop on 1 May 2021 on U=U.
It was held with 50 community advocates in countries in South East Asia.
Download PDF file. (7 MB)
Treatment interruption in cure research during COVID-19
This talk on 4 March 2021 was part of the always excellent Community Cure Workshops organised by TAG, DARE and other US activist groups before CROI every year.
The talk looked at whether HIV cure research should continue to use analytic treatment interruptions (ATIs) during COVID-19. This is because of concerns that it might increase risks for study participants.
The talk looks at two discussion papers (on mainly from the US and the other mainly from the UK). It includes way to reduces risks (new entry criteria, fewer hospital visits, use of vaccines) and of course the importance of informed consent.
Powerpoint slides (6 MB) – Please contact i-Base
PDF file (6 MB) – Please contact i-Base
Webcast (with discussion)
Q&A on COVID-19: vaccines and variants
Slides for a zoom talk on 15 February 2021 to Positive Action Foundation Philippines (PAPFI).
This included a short introduction to COVID-19 and potential treatments, but was mainly an update on the safety and efficacy of the new vaccines.
Plus a range of frequent questions over safety of COVID-19 vaccines for HIV positive people.
Powerpoint slides (.PPT 3MB)
PDF slides (PDF 3MB)
Non-technical review of vaccines for COVID-19
Update talk on 16 December 2020 on rapidly changing subject of vaccine research, organised by EATG.
This includes that more than 300 candidate vaccines are in studies, 40 in humans, 10 in phase 3, and two approved or almost approved (Pfizer/BioNTech and Moderna/NIH).
It briefly describes the main approaches with summary results on the Pfizer, Moderna and Oxford/Astra-Zeneca vaccines – and the importance of future studies using an active rather than placebo control.
Also, the plans for fair and equitable access globally. And the challenges given that high income countries have already bought or optioned nearly all the first vaccines to be manufactured next year.
Finally, examples of many questions HIV positive people have about the chance of using these vaccines ourselves.
Powerpoint slides .pptx and PDF slides (both about 8 MB)
Link to webcast – STILL TO COME
Lest we forget – Early community involvement in UK HIV response
This talk was one of the BHIVA Invited Lectures for the BHIVA 2020 virtual conference held from 22-24 November 2020. Dr Ed Wilkins gave an excellent related talk about the medical and clinical responses (his talk is first in the webcast link below).
The community talk included examples of the first reports in the community newspaper Capital Gay and the response from Lesbian and Gay pubs and clubs to collect money for HIV projects. It covers the diversity of community organisations to provide support to different communities of people living with HIV.
This included THT, Body Positive, Birchgrove, Positively Women, Blackliners, Mainliners and many more – and many publications that provided important information and also generated a stronger community network.
PowerPoint slides – (9 MB)
Webcast link to both talks. The community talk starts at 16.50.
COVID-19 and upcoming HIV drugs
Workshop on 21 October to the long-standing and dynamic community organisation Positive EAST.
This included this 30-minute talk with Greg Leonard who runs many of the support groups at this project in East London and who recently launched a programme of virtual workshops linked to their FaceBook page.
The talk was given as the second wave of COVID-19 had just become establish in London.
Download PDF slides – (3 MB) – PDF file
Download Powerpoint slides – (6 MB) – PowerPoint file
Watch talk on FaceBook
Introduction to science and HIV research
Workshop as part of EATG STEP course – an introduction to HIV research.
The talk was on 25 September 2020.
It includes research examples that will surprise most people – and therefore show how science can change out mind,
It also includes references to other online resources on treatment literacy.
Download PDF slides. (4.7 MB)
Download PowerPoint slides. (4.8 MB)
History of Treatment as Prevention (TasP) and U=U
Workshop as part of EATG STEP course on use of ART as HIV prevention.
The talk highlights key research over the last 22 years that steadily accumulated enough evidence to establish that effective HIV treatment prevents HIV transmission.
Download PDF slides. (5MB)
Download PowerPoint slides. (5MB)
Introduction to science (via COVID-19)
This virtual zoom workshop for the EATG general assembly (GA) on 19 September 2020 was about understanding, monitoring, and discussing scientific data for advocacy.
It was a refresher course on different types of research studies using examples from the last nine months of COVID-19 – compressing the equivalent of 40 years of HIV research. This includes data sites (epidemiology), how COVID-19 develops (pathogenesis) and a review of effective treatments and those that should not be used.
In the search for effective treatment, and among thousands of studies, it shows why randomised controlled trials (RCTs) are still needed. Actually, that they are the only way to really know whether or not a promising drug is effective.
Download PDF of slides. (4.5 MB)
Readability: importance of information that is easy to read for most people
This talk is avoid the importance of good readability scores when producing patient information material – especially in documents for clinical studies.
The talk was given on 3 September 2020 to a working group at Gilead Sciences in the UK and US.
It was based on a talk given at the BHIVA conference in April 2015 (see below).
Download slides (PDF) – 9 MB
Readabilty study Gilead Sep 2020 – (PowerPoint – 9.3 MB)
AIDS 2020 feedback (and COVID-19 update no.3)
Feedback to UK-CAB on 28 July 2020 on treatment news from the AIDS 2020 virtual conference and another update on COVID-19.
These studies included positive news on dolutegravir and neural tube defects, longer follow-up on continued weight gain in the ADVANCE study, results using cabotegravir long-acting injections for PrEP and a case reporting HIV remission.
It also included problems navigating the AIDS 2020 website.
The COVID-19 updated summarised important studies reported in the HIV and COVID-19 bulletins from i-Base.
COVID-19 and HIV coinfection: Update 2
A second talk to UK-CAB on 5 June 2020 about advances in research on COVID-19 over the last month.
It also includes statisticians from Public Health England to talk a new report highlighting risk factors for COVID-19, including race, ethnicity and employment.
The main talk includes six new studies on HIV/COVID-19 coinfection, US approval and UK access to remdesivir, reviews of UK research and of promising results with anakinra, anticoagulants, ACE inhibitors, interferon and convalescent plasma. Also controversial results with hydroxychloroquine. Plus updates from BHIVA and EACS statements.
Watch zoom talk on YouTube (via UK-CAB)
UK-CAB COVID19 june 2020 – (PDF – 12MB)
UK-CAB COVID-19 june 2020 – (PowerPoint) – please email as large file
COVID-19: summary of current research
Workshop with the European AIDS Treatment Group (EATG) on 15 May 2020.
This was a 30 minute talk about rapidly changing knowledge about COVID-19.
It was also, for EATG members to be able to talk about COVID-19 responses in our different countries and how this has been affecting people living with HIV.
The slides in this talk are similar to the UK-CAB meeting below.
Watch zoom talk on YouTube (via EATG)
Powerpoint slides (.PPT 2.6 MB)
PDF slides (PDF, 2.2 MB)
COVID-19 and HIV coinfection: key research
Talk to virtual UK-CAB Zoom meeting on 1 May 2020. Mainly links to recent research from recent HTB coverage about HIV and COVID-19.
Watch zoom talk on YouTube (via UK-CAB)
UK-CAB COVID-19 apr 2020 – (PDF – 2MB)
UK-CAB COVID-19 apr 2020 – (PowerPoint – 2.2 MB)
CROI 2020 feedback – virtual meeting
Talk as part of virtual UK-CAB Zoom meeting on 30 April 2020.
The talk mainly focused on studies involving new HIV drugs for treatment or prevention (PrEP).
UK-CAB feedback from CROI 2020 (April 2020) – PDF (17 MB)
Please email for Powerpoint slides as these are too large to post online
Future PrEP: next generation drugs
This was a talk given in February 2020 at the HIV Prevention Conference organised by the THT.
It reviews a range of new drugs that are being developed both as HIV treatment and PrEP. This might include:
- Long-acting injections (every two months).
- A removable implant that would provide PrEP for over a year, and
- A small oral pill that you might only need to take once a month.
Watch to video on YouTube (15 minute talk)
HIV PrEP pipeline feb 2020 – PDF (8MB)
HIV PrEP pipeline feb 2020 – PowerPoint (8MB)
U=U: approaches by community and professional organisations in the UK
This talk in January 2020 was given at a U=U conference in Tokyo organised by the Japanese HIV Society.
As well as my presentation the workshop included talks by Bruce Richman from the Prevention Access Campaign ( and Dr Stephane Wen-Wei Ku from Taipei City Hospital and H.E.A.R.T (HIV Education And Research Taiwan).
This talk focused on the ways that BHIVA has shown leadership to publicise U=U. It also includes many examples of how individuals and organisations in the UK have also widened awareness of how HIV treatment prevents sexual transmission.
UK approach to putting U=U in practice This notes file shows slides in colour with written talk below on each page – PDF (5 MB)
The PowerPoint file is too large to post here but we can send an individual weblink to download if anyone would like this. Please email:
Community cure meeting: bNAbs and the RIO study
Talk from November 2019 included in the programme of the European AIDS Conference (EACS 2019) held in Basel.
The workshop looked at advances and issues related to HIV cure-related research.
It included information about a study called RIO that will be using two long-acting bNAbs with a treatment interruption. The RIO study is due to start in early 2020.
This workshop was organised by the European Community Advisory Board (ECAB) which is part of the European AIDS Treatment Group (EATG).
RIO Study – EATG cure meeting EACS – Powerpoint slides (3 MB)
RIO Study – EATG cure meeting EACS – PDF (2.5 MB)
Community perspectives of new research
Talk from June 2019 as part of HMRG European HIV Seminar held in Dublin.
The talk looked at advances in treatment over three decades and yet new drugs are still approved with limited data in women, during pregnancy and with TB drugs. Also the delay in access for children.
HMRG 2019 – PDF slides (7 MB)
CROI 2019 feedback
Set of approximately 60 slides compiled from key studies presented at the recent CROI 2019 medical conference in Seattle.
This presentation was to the UK-Community Advisory Board (UK-CAB) meeting on 6 April 2019.
CROI 2019 feedback UK-CAB – PDF slides (5.6 MB)
Is rapid ART right for all?
Talk given on the last day of the 25th BHIVA conference held in Bournemouth (BHIVA 2019).
The talk includes reports from two clinics where people are offered ART when they have their first appointment after diagnosis – often on the same day. All other services and tests and services are reorganised to enable this.
Webcast link – (At approx 1hr2mins if doesn’t load automatically)
Rapid ART for all? – PDF slides. (3 MB)
Rapid ART for all? – notes – PDF with notes. (3 MB)
Ethical issues and informed consent in HIV cure research studies: EATG workshop, Glasgow 2018
A talk looking at a common disconnect between researchers and participants in HIV cure-related studies.
More researchers expect no or little clinical benefit. Many participants still think they had a slight or more significant hope that they might be cured.
ECAB cure – Glasgow 2018 – PDF (100 Mb)
20th National HIV Nurses Association (NHIVNA) conference, July, Brighton
Evidence for U=U: the PARTNER study and Prevention Access Campaign
Talk as part of the pre-conference workshop about the evidence over twenty years for the U=U campaign.
This included the London version:
A=A: Ain’t no viral load, ain’t no risk of HIV.
NHIVNA U=U talk 27 June 2018 (PDF – (7.2 MB)
NHIVNA U=U talk with NOTES (PDF – 3.4 MB)
4th National Conference of People Living with HIV (October 2017)
Treatment update for London HIV positive conference.
Topics cover evidence for U=U and treatment updates for new drugs.
This talk was largely based on the talks given at the HIV Scotland conference below.
UK HIV+ conference 2017 Treatment update (PDF – 8.5 MB)
Paediatric HIV pipeline drugs (October 2017)
Talk on pipeline HIV drugs for children given by Polly Clayden to a closed meeting of the IMPAACT trial network.
This is a focus on the paediatric pipeline, that usually takes several years (at least) after a drug is approved for adults.
This also usually occurs in age bands – first adolescents, then children and finally infants and babies. Many HIV drugs, however, are never approved for the youngest children.
Paediatric ART pipeline IMPAACT – (PDF – 950 Kb)
Positive Peoples Forum – HIV Scotland (July 2017)
Two talks for the annual HIV positive conference held in Glasgow this year.
Undetectable = untransmittable (U=U) – PDF (3.3 MB)
A talk about HIV treatment as prevention (TasP) that reviews the evidence for why so many doctors, scientist and community groups say that an undetectable viral load means you cannot transmit HIV to partners.
This was included as an idea in US guidelines in 1998 and has been supported by accumulating evidence from different studies over the last 20 years.
2017 Treatment update – PDF (4.0 MB)
Short update about new HIV meds in development, drug pricing in the UK, cure research and PrEP.
This includes the HIV lifecycle to show how current HIV drugs work at different sites and the new targets for the most promising upcoming drugs.
A couple of slides are included on drug pricing in the UK and how generics affect this.
CROI 2017: feedback to UK-CAB (April 2017)
Short talk to feedback key studies for the UK-CAB.
Mainly to cover cure research, new drugs and treatment strategies.
CROI 2017 feedback UK-CAB – PDF (5 MB)
Review of i-Base treatment information services (April 2016)
Talk given by Robin Jakob to BHIVA conference about the phoneline and Q&A services.
Reference: HIV treatment information and advocacy 2014/15: continued demand for community support services. R Jakob, R Trevelion, J Dunworth, M Sachikonye and S Collins. 22nd Annual BHIVA Conference, 19-22 April 2016, Manchester. Oral abstract O5. HIV Medicine, 17 (Suppl. 1), 3–13. HIV Medicine 17, 4, 2016.
Treatment advocacy – 2014-15 – Robin Jakob – PDF slides.
HIV testing: who, how and why? (September 2015)
Talk on HIV testing as part of the launch for the Martin Fisher Foundation.
Martin was one of the key doctors whose skills, energy and determination over the last 20 years were responsible for ensuring that HIV positive people in the UK received such high standards of care.
He was also a scientist and researcher, activist and friend. Martin was an incredibly kind, passionate, popular and modest man and his partner Adrian together with his family, friends and colleagues have launched this foundation to celebrate and continue his work.
HIV Testing Martin Fisher foundation talk – PowerPoint (2 Mb) HIV testing MFF – PDF (2 Mb)
Watch webcast on Vimeo.
2015 treatment update: good time for a change (September 2015)
Talk to UK Conference of People Living with HIV on dramatic developments in treatment.
- Impact of START study on BHIVA and WHO guidelines.
- Absolute and relative benefits from earlier treatment.
- TasP and PrEP.
- Immune inflammation.
- ART in acute infection and cure research.
UK HIV conference 2015 – PDF (900 Kb) UK PWA conference 2015 – PowerPoint (1.1 Mb)
START study results and new BHIVA guidelines – UK-CAB (July 2015)
This talk to the UK-CAB covered:
- The question of when to start HIV treatment.
- The differences between observational studies and randomised controlled trials (RCTs).
- Design of the START study.
- Top-line results and implications.
- Draft UK BHIVA treatment guidelines: key changes and how to comment.
PowerPoint slides UK-CAB july 2015 (250 Kb) PDF file UK-CAB july 2015 (160 Kb)
Treatment Q&A at Bloomsbury Clinic (May 2015)
This talk to an HIV positive group at a central London clinic included a discussion about generic HIV meds.
The talk included a doctor, a study researcher and an advocate.
PowerPoint – (4.5 MB) PDF – (4.8 Mb)
Are patient information leaflets for research studies too difficult to read? (April 2015)
This talk was for the British HIV Association spring conference.
It was a small study lead by advocates at i-Base and was selected by the conference for an oral presentation (Abstract O_4).
The study calculated readability scores from nine ongoing studies and compared them to two community-produced examples.
The presentation was also awarded one of two prizes from BHIVA and Mediscript for the best oral or poster research on social science or community-based work.
PowerPoint slides (1.6 Mb) PDF version – (1.1 Mb)
Community feedback from CROI 2015 – UK-CAB (April 2015)
Feedback to UK-CAB meeting based on slide sets produced by the BHIVA CROI working group on prevention and new drugs.
- The PROUD and IPERGAY studies
- Other PrEP studies including PARTNERS PrEP and FACTS 001.
- TAF – new version of TDF
- Attachment inhibitors and maturation inhibitors.
PowerPoint file – (5.3 Mb) PDF slides file – PDF (3MB) 6-up handout – PDF (1.2 Mb)
Seminar on PrEP and chemsex – Copenhagen (March 2015)
Talk about recent and current experiences in the UK about PrEP.
This included community involvement in the PROUD study, the IDMC recommendation in October 2014 to offer PrEP to all participants, and community responses since.
Plus a short update on PrEP studies at CROI 2015.
The meeting was organised by the Danish HIV organisation AIDSFONDNET and included HIV positive and HIV negative community activists and health professionals.
PrEP talk copenhagen – PDF (5.9 Mb)
Imperial College BSc Global Health course (Jan 2015)
Short talk to fourth-year medical students about HIV activism from a person perspective. It mainly uses picture to compliment another lecture in the course on the history of HIV activism.
PDF file (1.5 MB)
Please email for higher resolution or PowerPoint files.
Imperial College medical students (Dec 2014)
Talk to 300 first-year medical students at Imperial College about role of patient/doctor partnership and communication. Also how treatment literacy can support people to take an active role in their healthcare.
Includes references to early US activism, including the Denver Principles (1983) and personal perspectives as a patient activist in the UK.
PowerPoint with notes (6.1 MB) PDF file (6.1 MB) – please email for higher resolution files.
PrEP: a community perspective (November 2014)
Talk about PrEP (Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis) from the HIV Conference in Glasgow. The talk looks at the history of PrEP and a few myths.
Although optimal use will be in situations where HIV risk is high, PrEP – just like TasP (Treatment as Prevention) – may help reduce stigma against HIV.
It may also help improve quality of life by reducing fear and anxiety about HIV.
Powerpoint with notes (7.5 MB) PDF file (2.4 MB) PrEP talk slide notes Word.doc (50 Kb)
This talk is available as a webcast.
Collins S. Journal of the International AIDS Society 2014, 17(Suppl 3):19522 Conference abstract.
Option to use ART in early HIV infection (Oct 2014)
Talk about the importance for people who are diagnosed within 6 months of infection to be given the choice of using ART, irrespective of CD4 count. This short window may be very different to starting at any time after 6 months and yet many people do not have this discussion. Talk for BHIVA autumn conference 2014.
BHIVA 2014 early ART talk – PDF (200 Kb) BHIVA 2014 early ART talk – PowerPoint (400 Kb)
UK-CAB advocates training (Sep 2014)
- Introduction to science and importance of evidence-based medicine. Powerpoint slides (1 MB) and PDF (1.1 MB)
- Tips for writing patient-friendly information – Powerpoint slides (200 Kb) and PDF file (280 Kb)
Two talks for this 4-day UK-CAB advocacy training.
Health service constraints on HIV care – the research agenda: a UK perspective (March 2014)
Short presentation to European CHAIN research network to mark the completion of this five-year research programme. PDF and PowerPoint (500 Mb)
Community views on long-acting ARVs (March 2014)
Short presentation to US NIH mixed stakeholder meeting (researchers, regulators, industry and community) on the development of long-acting HIV meds, especially injections. PowerPoint (600 Mb) and PDF (400 Mb),
Talk to medical students (Nov 2013)
Talk to 300 first-year medical students at Imperial College about how HIV activism has affected patent involvement in care. Powerpoint (with notes) (6 MB) and PDF (slides only) (6 MB)
Hot topics in HIV treatment (Oct 2013)
Talk to UK HIV positive conference on six important topics that could change HIV care in the next year: Access to ARVs and generics in the new NHS/When to start and why guidelines differ… /Treatment as Prevention/New HIV drugs: Stribild, dolutegravir, TAF, GSK-744/Hepatitis C and sexual transmission/Hepatitis C: new HCV drugs (DAAs) – PDF (98 Kb)
UK-CAB advocates training (Oct 2013)
- Introduction to science and importance of evidence-based medicine. Powerpoint slides (1 MB) and PDF (1.1 MB)
- Tips for writing patient-friendly information – Powerpoint slides (200 Kb) and PDF file (280 Kb)
HIV and cancer (April 2013)
Introduction to HIV and cancer – talk to UK-CAB.
This talk highlights that it is mainly because HIV treatment is so effective that we are living long enough for cancer to be a complication. For nearly all cancers, older age is one of the key risk factors.
HIV makes the risk of some cancers slightly higher than the general population. These risks are still relatively unlikely events. To reduce these risks, the same lifestyle changes as the general population are just as important for HIV positive people – perhaps more so.
From a personal perspective, managing a cancer diagnosis is serious and meant you have to make your health a main priority to give yourself the best chance. This gives many people a new chance to make the most of their time, irrespective of the outcome.
PowerPoint (135 Kb) PDF (70 Kb)
HIV cure research: pieces in the puzzle (January 2013)
Overview of cure research – talk to UK-CAB.
This non technical talk explains the science behind four key approaches to cure research. This is a puzzle and all four are likely to be needed on the way to finding a cure.
The context includes the context for the research, background on why a cure is difficult and ethical issues related to this research.
PowerPoint (2.5 Mb) PDF (3.4 Mb)
Budget issues affecting treatment choice: the London tender process (November 2012)
Talk given at the Glasgow Congress on HIV Drug Therapy as part of the community programme on HIV services in Europe. This focuses on the London therapeutic tender for HIV drugs that saved £5 million with reducing quality of services or range or drugs that are available.
PowerPoint slides November 2012 – (180 Kb) PDF file (140 Kb) Text notes (Word.docx)
This talk is available as a webcast on the conference website: MAC webcast – PC webcast.
IAS July 2012 – Washington
Feedback from the International AIDS conference held in Washington in July 2012: PDF (400 Kb) PowerPoint (975 Kb)
Slides for a talk at a feedback meeting organised by the UK Consortium.
CROI February 2010 – San Francisco
A talk on community perspectives from the Retroviruses Conference (CROI) given to the feedback meetings organised by BHIVA.
Treatment Action Campaign
Showing the different measures for CD4 counts and viral load including millilitre, microlitre, mL, mm3, μL). Also, showing why you still have many millions of CD4 cells in your body even at very low CD4 counts.
Set of graphs showing how drugs are absorbed and then leave your body and how missing a dose leads to low levels and the risk of resistance. Explains the pharmocology terms including Cmax, Tmax, half-life (T½), MEC (minimum effective concentration) etc.
Set of 12 slides listing important studies and issues from 2010.
- Introduction to drug resistanceTAC PDF – 2008
Trials and Research
What is a DSMB, why should community members be involved, what is required. Training for the European Community Advisory Board.
UK-CAB presentations
Slides from all UK-CAB meetings are posted online as an open access training resource.
Conference slides (archive)
- Retrovirus conference (CROI) 2008: ARVs – PDF
- IAS conference 2007 feedback (Sydney) – PDF,
- IAS conference 2006 feedback (Toronto) – PowerPoint
- Drug development timelines (2006) TAC – PDF, PowerPoint
- Importance of treatment literacy (2006) Moscow – PowerPoint
- Community outreach in national and international trials (2006) MRC – PowerPoint
- Life experience: self empowerment through treatment advocacy (2005) Taiwan – PowerPoint