Basic science and immunology

Gut bacteria breach the barrier: further confirmation of microbial translocation in HIV infection

Update on (another) Berlin patient

CD4 T-cell responses to commensal bacteria in the gut

Accelerated aging of the immune system in HIV infection

Immune recovery on antiretroviral therapy

Regulation gone awry? Elevated levels of regulatory T cells linked To disease progression

Viral resistance to a vaginal microbicide in macaques

Cause for caution on HIV cure report

Low-level HIV replication versus latency: identifying the source of viral rebounds during treatment interruption

Control of a superinfecting virus in an elite controller

Second-oldest HIV-1 sequence identified

Why do we not yet have an HIV vaccine?

US cancel phase 3 HIV vaccine trial

Microbial translocation in immunological non-responders to ART

Elite control of a virus that caused AIDS in the transmitting partner

Presentations from the May 21-23 HIV Vaccine Trials Network (HVTN) Meeting

Failure of STEP leads TAG to criticise the proposed PAVE100A vaccine trial

Understanding control of HIV replication in the absence of therapy

A surreal, deeply troubling week for AIDS vaccine research

Stem cell transplant from HLA-matched CCR5-delta 32 deleted donor suppresses viraemia in recipient for 8 months without HAART

A gutsy talk, and a new paper: report from third workshop on HIV persistence

Probing HIV dependence on host proteins

An eye on the benign: pathogenesis lessons from non-pathogenic SIV infections

HIV awakens retroviral zombies from cellular slumber

Immune activation correlates with CD4 T cell declines in HIV controllers

Drug interaction studies presented at EACS

HIV’s siege of the mucosa establishes the systemic crisis of immune-hyperactivation and may have semi-permanent effects

HIV may use different coreceptors in blood and brain

Viral load is a poor predictor of CD4 decline at the individual level

Selected abstracts from Track A presentations at Toronto

Depletion of latent HIV-1 reservoir with valproic acid: interesting data but not a cure

Genetic factors affecting HIV infection and progression rates: immunological factors relating to entry inhibitors

Gut memory CD4 T cells implicated in a central role for HIV disease pathology: dramatic impact prior to seroconversion

Case of multi-drug resistant (MDR) rapid progressor

Case report of antibody reversion and negative viral load four-years after treatment discontinuation

Weight loss is associated with elevated PBMC proviral DNA levels

Keystone HIV Pathogenesis and Vaccine Report

Rapid clearance of HIV-1 is associated with decreased risk of AIDS

HIV patients get long-term boost with short, intermittent drug regimen

Little benefit seen for treatment during acute infection

IL-2 effectively increases CD4 count in people with low CD4 nadir

HIV viral dynamics: viral fitness, genetic diversity, progression, co-receptor use

IL-2 induced increases in CD4 counts are blunted by use of prednisone

Underlying mechanisms: adipocytes and cytokines

First results from ESPRIT study: CD4 response to IL-2 is associated with higher nadir and baseline CD4 and younger age

CD4 cell reconstitution is significantly slower in older patients

T cell activation is associated with decreased CD4+ T cell gains during ARV therapy

Structured treatment interruptions trial shows no benefit

Tissue T-cell analysis represents renewed challenge to ‘tap and drain’ orthodoxy

US implementation of large-scale smallpox vaccination plan has special implications for people with HIV

Antiretroviral treatment increases adult thymic volume

Promising data regarding DermaVir for therapeutic vaccine

Breadth of memory CTL response against HIV associated with immune control

Dendritic-cell vaccine elicits strong anti-SIV response in monkeys

HIV infection causes fibrosis in lymphatic tissue, diminishing CD4+ pool

Chronic immune activation: a lethal factor in HIV infection?

Animal retroviral infections suggest third kind of potential treatment: HIV harm reduction

Memory T cells do not recognise circulating HIV in late infection

Autopsy evidence confirms that ARVs tackle CNS lesions

Study shows why some immune systems can control HIV through CD8 cells

PPAR agonists inhibit HIV replication and TNF-alpha production

Many HIV-infected CD4 cells are HIV-specific in patients on HAART

Gene discovery offers fresh perspective on HIV/AIDS therapies

Growth hormone effective in increasing thymic activity

HIV long term nonprogressors have increased immune responsiveness to other viral pathogens

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