COVID-19: guidelines

IDSA update COVID-19 guidelines (January 2022)

France routinely recommends third dose of COVID-19 vaccine for some people with reduced immune function

US CDC includes HIV as medical criteria for priority to COVID-19 vaccines

BHIVA guidelines on COVID-19 vaccines and people living with HIV: DRAFT online for comment

NICE issue UK guidelines on long COVID

WHO strongly recommended against using hydroxychloroquine or lopinavir/r at any stage of COVID-19

Updated US guidelines for treating COVID-19 (December 2020)

US guidelines for using mRNA vaccines against COVID-19

US update guidelines on access to COVID vaccines

BHIVA update guidance for HIV care during second wave of COVID-19

BHIVA/THT updated guidelines for social distancing in the UK

BHIVA advice for HIV positive people hospitalised with COVID-19

BHIVA guidelines on shielding: advice for HIV clinicians, GPs and people living with HIV

European consensus on HIV and COVID-19: UK (BHIVA), European (EACS), Spanish, German and Polish HIV organisations

UK guidelines for the treatment of COVID-19: UK prioritises 42 studies

New BHIVA guidelines: B/F/TAF now preferred first-line ART and reduced HIV monitoring in the UK during COVID-19

Joint BHIVA/EACS update on HIV and COVID-19 (April 2020)

Interim US guidance for coinfection COVID-19 and HIV

Evidence review for treatment: IDSA guidelines for COVID-19

BASHH responses to impact of COVID-19 on sexual health services

US interim guidelines on COVID-19 and HIV

BHIVA statements on HIV and COVID-19

Chinese Clinical Guidance for COVID-19 Pneumonia Diagnosis and Treatment (7th edition)

Children’s HIV Association (CHIVA) statement on COVID-19

WHO guidance on severe acute respiratory infection when COVID-19 is suspected

NICE updates rapid COVID-19 guideline on critical care 

US CDC clinical guidance for management of patients with confirmed COVID-19

French guidelines for protection of cancer patients against COVID-19

Guidelines for managing COVID-19 from the Survive Sepsis Campaign

IDSA resource center on COVID-19