December 2015
Nov/Dec 2015: Volume 16 Number 11/12
Conference reports
15th European AIDS Conference (EACS), 21-24 October 2015, Barcelona
Remarkable results with dolutegravir monotherapy
First-line ART with dolutegravir plus 3TC: 24-week early results
New European HIV guidelines (October 2015): universal ART, first-line integrase and PrEP
Impact of early ART on lung function: results on ART and COPD from START substudy
No difference in neuropsychological test results between early and delayed ART in START substudy
Immediate ART in START linked to greater bone loss over three years
Price of MDR TB drugs could be greatly reduced with competitive generic manufacture
Potential for generic prices for 12 weeks sofosbuvir treatment to drop below US $300 and daclatasvir to US $23
Achieving viral suppression with HIV multi-drug resistance: peg-interferon and valaciclovir as part of rescue therapy
French cohort of HIV transgender women highlights issues relating to HIV management
7th International Workshop on HIV Paediatrics, 17-18 July, Vancouver, Canada
Substituting lopinavir/ritonavir with efavirenz in children on stable ART
The effects of systemic efavirenz exposure, sex and age on risk of viral non-suppression
Pharmacokinetics of lopinavir/ritonavir super-boosting in infants and young children co-infected with HIV and TB
Tenofovir alafenamide (TAF) approved – but only as part of a fixed dose combination
Treatment access
CHAI’s ARV market report predicts that new drugs and formulations will drive the next major drop in treatment costs
New trade agreements threaten treatment access in Asia
European HIV guidelines updated (October 2015)
New UK guidelines on use of vaccines in HIV positive adults (2015)
IAS-USA update resistance guidelines and mutation tables (2015)
Hepatitis coinfection
NICE decision on ledipasvir/sofosbuvir for chronic HCV
Sofosbuvir/velpatasvir submitted to US FDA for HCV genotype 1-6
US indication for ledipasvir/sofosbuvir expanded
HIV prevention and transmission
HIV rates still increasing in gay men: 2015 report
PrEP to be available free in France from January 2016
PrEP efficacy for transgender women: new analysis from iPrEX study
PrEP in a clinical setting: no infections reported in San Francisco cohort
New free self-sampling HIV home testing service launched in England
Research studies
Why START would make an excellent long-term cohort
Why dolutegravir might get us closer to ending AIDS: next step, further research
November/December 2015: Volume 16 Number 11/12
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