World AIDS 14 Barcelona 2002

Dolutegravir monotherapy: still no longer recommended in either research or clinical practice

First randomised kick-and-kill cure study fails to reduce HIV reservoir: RIVER study reports vorinostat and vaccines show activity, but not enough

Initial antiretroviral therapy: further insights on when to start and what to use

Antiretroviral therapy in treatment-experienced patients

Update on lipodystrophy…or is it just lipoatrophy?

FRAM study and lipodystrophy: lipodystrophy study presented at Barcelona and an interview with the study author Carl Grunfeld

XIV International AIDS Conference Barcelona, 7-12 July 2002

Bill Clinton and Nelson Mandela promise to lead peer education among political leaders as world looks for $10 billion a year to fight HIV/AIDS

South African activist unveils campaign to force compulsory licences

MSF study shows treatment in resource-poor settings is effective

‘Barcelona Declaration’ demands 2m poor people are treated in the next two years

Health should be a right, not a commodity, and medicine must be removed from the World Trade Organisation, argues key speaker

Civil society had to fight for universal access to AIDS drugs in Brazil

ART can successfully tackle advanced disease in resource poor settings, reports MSF

Investment in treatment and care significantly reduces company health and social expenditure in Abidjan

Financing the global response to the epidemic will cost $9.2 billion a year, according to one estimate

The Global Fund: what, where, how much?

14 Caribbean governments sign cut-price drugs agreement with six pharmaceutical companies

Thailand offers low-cost transfer to African countries of technology for the local production of generic antiretrovirals

Informal market plays a role in distributing antiretrovirals but exposes clients to risks

Abacavir hypersensitivity reactions in patients who rechallenge after interruptions for reasons other than hypersensitivity

Four drug regimen for infants

Study of MTCT programme finds resistance in women on two doses of monotherapy

Emergence of resistance in children treated with ddI/d4T after treatment to reduce MTCT

Correlates of fatigue in HIV disease

Optimum hydroxyurea dose determined

Management of people with treatment experience and drug resistance

Lopinavir/r exhibits sustained virologic response in antiretroviral-naïve patients: 3-year data

Patients will have options regarding T-20 (enfuvirtide) injection sites

The role of tenofovir in antiretroviral-naive patients

Treatment interruption strategy reports from the XIV International AIDS Conference

New data from clinical trials of antiretrovirals

Behind the headlines about vaccine research

Adherence research roundup from the International AIDS Conference

Additional AIDS 2002 reports at

NATAP reports from AIDS 2002 Barcelona

1,500 community representatives expected at Barcelona community forum

Barcelona conference organisers issue nine-point plan of action on global emergency