On the web

Community resources and publications

Free journal articles

Medical online resources

Community resources and publications

Free journal articles

Conference reports and online abstracts

Online journal access

Community resources and publications

Navigating the IAS Vienna conference online

Conference reports and online abstracts

Reports and journals

Community resources and publications

Medical resources

Journal articles

Reports and journals

Community resources and publications

Conference reports and online abstracts

BHIVA Autumn Conference and CHIVA Parallel Sessions

5th IAS Conference on HIV Pathogenesis, Treatment and Prevention abstracts

WHO meeting: the impact of ARV treatment on prevention

JAIDS Supplement: HIV scale-up and global health systems

Returned to risk: deportation of HIV-positive migrants

UK patient survey: you, your GP and HIV

PLoS Medicine – November 2009

5th IAS Conference on HIV Pathogenesis, Treatment and Prevention abstracts

Access to HCV treatment in Eastern Europe

Guide to HIV and hepatitis B coinfection

TAG pipeline report

New TB website and resource

HIV and the kidneys

Video news: online resource

BHIVA/CHIVA Consensus Conference: Don’t Forget the Children

Hepatology: a clinical textbook

Human rights documentation and advocacy: a guide for organisations of people who use drugs

Online videos from Treatment Action Campaign, South Africa

39th Union World Conference on Lung Health

Management of hepatitis B: consensus statement and data review

PLoS medicine and PLoS clinical trials

Abstracts from the 9th International Congress on Drug Therapy in HIV Infection

Abstracts from AIDS Vaccine 2008

Abstracts from BHIVA Autumn Conference, 9-10 October 2008

IAVI Report

In defence of rational AIDS activism: how the irrationality of Act Up-Paris and others is risking the health of people with HIV or at risk of HIV infection

Conference abstracts and presentations

Latest global and country-level HIV/AIDS data

PRN notebook articles

PLoS Medicine articles

PRN notebook

JACI special issue on prospects for eradication

New resources from HIV InSite

Overview of mucosal transmission

Conference reports and abstracts: 9th International Workshop on Clinical Pharmacology of HIV Therapy and 6th European HIV Drug Resistance Workshop

New UK support group for gay men with HIV/HCV coinfection

HCV pipeline report

IHRD Harm Reduction Report

TB – Online medical resources

Metabolic and Immune Activation Effects of Treatment Interruption in Chronic HIV-1 Infection: Implications for Cardiovascular Risk

58th Annual Meeting of the American Association for the Study of Liver Diseases (AASLD)

Targeting HIV Entry: 3rd International Workshop

PLoS Medicine

Breakthroughs in immunology

Multiple roles of CCR5 in infectious diseases

New resources from HIV inSite

New advocacy site: HIV and pregnancy

PLoS Medicine articles

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