Treatment access

India’s choice: editorial from NY Times

Ranbaxy files three generic ARVs with US FDA

FDA approves generic AZT/3TC/NVP fixed dose combination

Treatment Access Campaign (TAC) awarded punitive costs in case against Minister of Health

GSK grants license to Cipla in South Africa

Generic ARVs and WHO prequalification list

Cotrimoxazole reduces mortality and morbidity in HIV-positive children: joint WHO/UNAIDS/UNICEF statement

Equitable access for antiretroviral treatment for women

A round-up of news about access to treatments with links to sources: Britain, Ukraine, Thailand, Europe, South Africa

Body Mass Index at diagnosis is independent predictor of survival

Dollars, commerce, politics and prejudice all present obstacles to scaling up access to treatment in resource poor countries

MTCT programmes in South Africa: nevirapine and the minister

Urgency of global access to ARV treatment for IV drug users

Replace myths with evidence–based policies on IV drug use

A round-up of news about access to treatments with links to sources

Good generic drugs and good adherence in Rwanda

Outcomes after two years of providing antiretrovirals in Khayelitsha, South Africa

A round-up of news on access to treatments

Treatment with generics: tolerability, safety and resistance

International community meeting on drug pricing

Global Fund halts $92 million grant for Ukraine after problems

Global Fund says it needs $5 billion during 2004-2005

South African minister of health in line to chair Global Fund

Thai ddI patent case serves as example to other developing countries, Lancet viewpoint piece says

UK gives £3 million to WHO’s ‘3 by 5’ treatment goal

Global Fund awards bring total to $2.1bn and supply ARVs to 700,000 people

Commentary: The Global Fund and treatment access in Latin America – a critical view

Commentary: China starts long march against HIV

WHO guidelines for use of ARVs in resource-poor settings

Millions will benefit after GSK and BI license generic manufacturers to produce AZT, lamivudine and nevirapine

Scaling up treatment access risks damaging national health systems, says WHO/UK report

Access to treatment – some progress…

WHO approves combination pills

South African Competition Commission finds GSK and BI responsible for ‘excessive pricing’ and ‘abuse of market position’

Access to HIV treatment in Eastern Europe

Global AIDS spending must double by 2005, says gloomy UN

GARPP requests permission from Boehringer to import generic nevirapine

Canada decides to lead the way in exempting AIDS drugs from patent laws

South Africa delays deregistering nevirapine

Disagreement greets a new deal on patent protection and generic drugs for poor countries

TRIPS agreement will not save lives

Joint statement by 14 NGOs dismisses TRIPS deal as a ‘gift bound in red tape’

An activist’s view from the WTO meeting in Cancun

South African cabinet rules that public hospitals should provide ARVs

Indian government taken to court over lack of treatment

Township project is a model for care in resource poor settings

Projects band together to buy lowest-cost generic drugs

Facial fat loss – measuring and treatment

Appointment of industry executive to supervise US AIDS initiative provokes criticism

Activist anger over US ‘ambush’ of the Global Fund

$15 billion AIDS bill signed, but full funding shaky

New GAA report: US and G8 must act fast to rescue Global Fund

World Health Assembly approves resolution supporting public health considerations in drug policy

WHO Assembly analysis

Bill Gates to give $1 million to Brazil’s AIDS programme

Adherence is not a barrier to successful antiretroviral therapy in South Africa

The impact of migration, race and ethnic diversity on healthcare delivery and clinical outcomes in the UK

Global Fund requires ‘significant’ new money

Commentary: a crisis the Board must confront

‘Fund the Fund’ launches campaign pack

Senate approves Bush’s $15 billion international AIDS bill

GSK halves drug prices to 63 countries

Shareholders target PepsiCo over care for its employees in Africa

Burkina Faso to purchase generic drugs from Indian company

South Africa fails to accept $41 million from Global Fund

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