Treatment access

Generic tenofovir licensed in South Africa

Agreement for generic license of darunavir in South Africa

Brazil issues plans to produce generic efavirenz

Access to Abbott drugs in Thailand

Indian government only plans to provide access to second-line ARVs after first-line drug treatment targets are met

Increasing antiretroviral access for children

Abbott situation worsens in Thailand

Wall Street Journal examines reason Abbott increased price of ritonavir

Access to treatment in the USA: waiting list for ARVs in South Carolina

Royalty-free license granted for development of tenofovir and topical microbicide

Novartis test case in India threatens the ARV pharmacy of the developing world

Thailand issues compulsory license to manufacture lopinavir/r: WHO criticised for challenging this essential access to treatment

Global Fund Board selects new executive director

Clinton price for new paediatric treatment

Indian generic heat-stable ritonavir

Generic FDC of efavirenz/tenofovir/FTC launched by Cipla

Compulsory license for efavirenz in Thailand

Gilead licenses tenofovir to Indian generic manufacturers

Funding prospects improve for Round 6 Global Fund

Enough is enough: South African activists demand: fire Manto

Treatment access: more optimistic results from scale up programmes

Treatment access and community responses: online webcasts and debates

Patent oppositions filed on three essential drugs

Activists meet with Gilead and Abbott over access to second-line therapy

Data exclusivity: a new threat to affordable generic medicines

ITPC publish updated report on access to treatment

Protesters evicted from UN headquarters, New York

Community opposition filed against tenofovir patent application in India

Lopinavir/r (meltrex) filed in South Africa

Indian community organisations file first opposition against patent application

ITPC Indian Mailbox database now online

Global fund review: timing of Round 6 still unclear

Treatment access new from Aidspan

China puts 23 HIV/AIDS patients under house arrest

TAC wins court case against Matthias Rath

BMS licenses atazanavir to generic drug companies

Missing the target: a report on HIV/AIDS treatment access from the frontlines

New Clinton agreements to lower prices of HIV/AIDS rapid tests and second-line drugs in 50 countries

WHO adds seven antiretrovirals to list of prequalified HIV drugs

Ranbaxy launches two new ARVs in India

FDA tentative approvals: generic oral solutions of nevirapine and d4T

Amendment to WTO TRIPS agreement makes access to affordable medicines even more bleak: MSF expresses concern that patients the world-over will have to pay the price

WTO uses AIDS patients to cover up development round failure

Brazil’s deal with Abbott is challenged in courts

Depletion of latent HIV-1 reservoir with valproic acid: interesting data but not a cure

Does WHO clinical stage reliably predict who should receive ARV treatment?

Continuous vs intermittent treatment with triple nuke combination of AZT/3TC/tenofovir in Africa: early results from DART study

Global Fund commitment to $175M annually in 2006, 2007

Forty injured, ten shot at peaceful protest to demand treatment in South Africa

FDA approve additional Indian generics

Medical innovation and patent gridlock

Six Indian generic ARVs are given FDA tentative approval

Methadone and buprenorphine added to WHO list of essential medicines

MSF’s pricing guide to purchasing ARVs: 8th edition online

WHO 3 by 5 progress report

MSF criticises Brazilian government for failing to break antiretroviral patents

Russian activists imprisoned for asking for treatment – letters of support requested

Millions in Global Fund grants go unused: Indian government bureaucracies kill off people living with AIDS

Demand for two originator ARVs could soon exceed supply

Indian patent bill is introduced with no change: the beginning of the end of generics?

Patent mailbox opened in India

GSK calls on UK to use G8 presidency to enforce patents

India admitted into Bush aid programme in same week that Indian parliament dismantles hope of future generic ARVs

Community advocates meet with Indian generic companies: 2nd World CAB meeting

AIDS activists concerned over drug prices post-patent

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