
Research studies

Responses to COVID-19: latest options for treatment

Open mic talk: HIV, HCV, new drugs and treatment access

Why dolutegravir might get us closer to ending AIDS – next step, further research…

Impact of early ART on lung function: START substudy

Bite-size news from EACS 2015… remarkable results with dolutegravir monotherapy

Activists call for urgency of NHS access to PrEP

START study reports 18 months early: impact will change guidelines globally

Are patient information leaflets for research studies too difficult to read? (April 2015)

Methmephangee – ChemSex vs recreational drug use

The PROUD study: access to PrEP in the UK to prevent HIV

HIV, gay men and drug use: ASTRA study and comment in The Lancet HIV

START study open DSMB report (May 2014)

The importance of evidence for “When to Start”: a response to Dr Myron Cohen

START study: enrolling well, open DSMB report shows no concerns