In switch study, women twice as likely as men to discontinue HAART due to toxicities

Increased incidence of osteonecrosis of the hip observed in HIV-infected children

Complications may outweigh benefits of Caesarian delivery

Complex therapy reduces vertical transmission risk

HIV selectively suppresses anti-HIV defence cells

The number of CD4+ T cells infected with HIV is predictive of CD4+:CD8+ ratio

New evidence for NK cells as long-term host

Greater thymic tissue associated with increased immunologic recovery

CD8+ T cells from HIV-exposed but uninfected individuals suppress HIV activity

HIV subtype D linked with faster progression to death than subtype A in Uganda study

BMS announces marketing authorisation application submitted in Europe for atazanavir

Natural compound used in India reduces cholesterol by blocking metabolism-controlling receptor

Leading clinician warns of funding crisis associated with UK primary care trusts

Resolution of renal failure after initiation of HAART: three cases and a discussion of the literature, from The AIDS Reader

Development of the dual-subtype feline immunodeficiency virus vaccine

HLA leaves its footprints on HIV

Exploiting pharmacokinetics to optimise antiretroviral therapy

Highlights from the 23 May 2002 supplement: Safety and Toxicity of Individual Antiretroviral Agents in Pregnancy

Rhabdomyolysis due to probable interaction between simvastatin and ritonavir

Largely favourable outcome for HIV+ transplant recipients

Volume 3 Number 6 July 2002 PDF

WHO releases guidelines for use of antiretroviral drugs to treat HIV infection in developing countries (2002)

Mbeki backs down: he shuns dissidents and expands drug treatment programme

Early access programme offers adefovir for treatment of HBV

9th Conference on Retroviruses and Opportunistic Infections (CROI), Seattle, Februrary 24-28 2002

New research points the way for future treatment of women with HIV

3rd International Workshop on Clinical Pharmacology of HIV Therapy, Washington, 11-13 April 2002

Three studies compare gender differences in use of antiretrovirals

Amprenavir mutations may significantly affect LPV resistance

Neuropsychiatric complications of nevirapine treatment

Resistance mutations continue to accumulate with low-level viral increases

24-week results from phase III study of HIV fusion inhibitor T-20

Resistance to template-analogue inhibitors linked to impaired replication

Abacavir treatment limited by prior NRTI exposure

Paracardial fat in HIV-infected patient resembles pericardial effusion

Filgrastim seems to increase survival in AIDS patients but the mechanism remains unclear

Oral valganciclovir is as effective as intravenous ganciclovir for induction treatment of CMV retinitis

CCR5 density on CD4 cells governs course of HIV infection in children

Saquinavir is a suboptimal treatment for children unless used in combination

Measles found to suppress HIV

First audit of BHIVA treatment guidelines reveals suboptimal access to viral load and resistance tests

New cancer drugs might help treat HIV — but research not done

First report of acquired HCV immunity lifts vaccine hopes

Manganese blocks HIV replication; lab finding points to a potential new class of HIV treatments

Turmeric may slow multiple sclerosis progression

1,500 community representatives expected at Barcelona community forum

Fibrates and statins and glitazones (oh my!)

Nutrition and immunity: you are what you eat

The role of dietary supplements in HIV

Using evidence to make nutrition decisions: a look at zinc

Peripheral neuropathy

A potent weapon in the battle against HIV: your own immune system

Volume 3 Number 5 June 2002 PDF

Hydroxyurea: in vitro evidence of potency against HIV viral reservoirs

Reduction of mother to child HIV-1 transmission: breastfeeding negates benefits of short course regimens

Nevirapine at the centre of MTCT controversy

Mothers, orphans, and prevention of paediatric AIDS

Transient increases in viral load are common among people on HAART, finds a study of UK patients

Meta-analysis supports triple therapy for HIV infection

Altered adipocyte differentiation associated with protease inhibitors and lipoatrophy

High mortality rate in patients with severe NRTI-associated lactic acidosis

Tenofovir adversely affects development in foetal monkeys

Tenofovir not toxic to mitochondria in human cell culture

HIV infection is a risk factor for external genital warts, study suggests

American study finds KS-associated herpesvirus is highly prevalent among gay men

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