HIV vaccine update: the “Miami macaque” as proof-of-concept breakthrough?

UK guidelines on TB/HIV co-infection: online for comment to 9 February (2018)

US HIV guidelines updated (October 2017): dropping “HIV-infected”

Liverpool University PK online videos

Future meetings 2018

22 January 2018 – vol 19 no 2

05 January 2018: vol 19 no 1

Guide to changing treatment (January 2018)

HIV and Pregnancy – Swahili translation (January 2018)

New booklets for trans women and men – from cliniQ

2017: a year in review – great news and why we still fight…

FDA approves raltegravir for newborns

Early ART is not associated with a higher risk of HIV drug resistance

London signed up as a fast-track HIV city by Mayor Sadiq Khan

Forbidden words: transgender, diversity, foetus, vulnerable – banned from US budget documents

PLoS Medicine: Advances in HIV prevention, treatment and cure – Special issue

05 January 2018 – vol 19 no 1

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