TAGline Spring 2018

16 April 2018: vol 19 no 7

30 March 2018: vol 19 no 6 – CROI 2018 part 2

CROI 2018: second reports

Ibalizumab 24-week phase 3 results and susceptibility to drug-resistant HIV

Statin use might reduce risk of cancer in HIV positive people

Rate of bone loss on ART slows after the first year

Standard dose of dolutegravir sufficient in late pregnancy: interim results from DolPHIN-1 study

Women’s risk of becoming HIV positive increases three-fold in late pregnancy and four-fold postpartum

Cure research at CROI 2018: defining and reducing the reservoir and the risks from interrupting treatment

Elite controllers: sex differences and factors associated with loss of immune control

Assessing antiretroviral therapy interruptions in HIV cure research

Update on PrEP IMPACT study (March 2018)

US Congress rejects Trump’s proposed cuts to research budget for 2018

HCV advocacy training manual

30 March 2018: vol 19 no 6

14 March 2018: vol 19 no 5 – CROI 2018 part 1

25th Conference on Retroviruses and Opportunistic Infections (CROI 2018)

Inching towards an HIV cure: bNAb and TLR-7 agonist reduce viral rebound off-ART in macaques

No HIV evolution in plasma or lymph nodes on suppressive ART and no impact from further intensification

Dual therapy can reduce TB prophylaxis from nine months to one: fewer side effects and more people complete treatment

Twice-daily dolutegravir is effective and tolerable with rifampicin 

Once-daily tenofovir alafenamide appears sufficient when dosed with rifampicin

Efavirenz 400 mg can be given with anti-tuberculosis treatment 

Bictegravir at CROI 2018: switching studies and drug resistance analyses

PrEP at CROI 2018 (part 1): Access in Australia and the US

PrEP at CROI 2018 (part 2): Animal studies for future drugs

BHIVA best of CROI feedback workshops

FDA approves ibalizumab in the US to treat multidrug HIV resistance

14 March 2018: vol 19 no 5

23 February 2018: vol 19 no 4

23 February 2018: vol 19 no 4

CROI 2018 – highlights from the preliminary programme

FDA grants tentative approval to first DTG/FTC/TAF FDC

Universal ART on diagnosis: approved by NHS England

Standard once-daily dolutegravir dosing achieves target levels during pregnancy

Meta-analysis reports no significant risk of cardiac, IRIS or suicide with dolutegravir

Significant drug-drug interaction between dolutegravir and isoniazid-rifapentine

New data on identifying and targeting the latent HIV reservoir

Recruiting natural killer cells to target HIV persistence

Discrimination against gay men overturned with new HPV vaccine programme for England

UK study highlights discrimination against trans people living with HIV

PrEP resources for access

09 February 2018: vol 19 no 3

Bictegravir approved in the US in new integrase-inhibitor based FDC (Biktarvy)

US approve a lower-dose efavirenz (400 mg) based generic FDC (Simfi Lo)

ViiV announces phase 3 study switching to dolutegravir/3TC dual therapy from TAF-containing ART

US darunavir label updated: drug interactions and pregnancy

75% of WHO essential medicines could be cheaper: UK and South Africa both overpay

New HIV pregnancy study uses latest ART: IMPAACT 2010 study (VESTED) includes dolutegravir and tenofovir alafenamide (TAF)

Association between timing of maternal ART and risk of infants born small for gestational age in Dutch ATHENA cohort

London clinic to prescribe generic PrEP privately at £55 for 30 tablets

BHIVA standards of HIV care (2018): online for comment

UK HIV pregnancy guidelines (2018): online for comment

HIV conversations in the UK

Women in Science: IAS feature

Yale CRIT conference: blogs on the threats from changes to drug regulation in the US and Europe

09 February 2018: vol 19 no 3

22 January 2018: vol 19 no 2

HIV in the UK 2017: a shift to eliminate AIDS

Doravirine FDC submitted to FDA in US: decision expected October 2018

Update on PrEP IMPACT study – January 2018

PrEP use can reduce HIV stigma in gay communities

European HIV/AIDS surveillance report published (2017)

Additional remission cases published: but eradication needs 10,000-fold reduction in viral reservoir

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