
London HIV Consortium issues new guidelines for ARV prescribing (2011)

EMA issue restricted indication for d4T (stavudine)

Changes to starting dose of saquinavir in naive patients

FDA approve nevirapine XR

Lopinavir/r oral solution

Atazanavir use during pregnancy

Nelfinavir interaction with warfarin

Lopinavir/ritonavir: women versus men

Quality of life in the GRACE study

Antiretroviral pharmacokinetics in women with undetectable viral load

No association between bone mineral density and lipodystrophy in women receiving antiretroviral therapy

The impact of antiretroviral treatment on fertility intentions in South Africa

US adult treatment guidelines updated – January 2011

FDA safety updates to antiretroviral labels

Darunavir once-daily indication in treatment experienced adults

Virological findings from the SARA trial ofboosted protease inhibitor monotherapy

Nevirapine exposure was not associated with hypersensitivity in patients from Malawi

Estimating the number of people in a country or region with HIV who are undiagnosed and in need of ART

Efavirenz versus nevirapine based first linetreatment in a South African cohort

GSK572: 24-week results in treatment-naive and raltegravir-experienced patients

Consensus guidelines recommend routine use of genotypic tropism testing: new focus on maraviroc as a switching option (2010)

Muscle weakness or pain analysed as possible raltegravir side effect

Adding maraviroc does not boost CD4s inrandomised trial

Switch to twice-daily unboosted atazanavir outdoes switch to once-daily dose

Small but higher rates of AIDS and non-AIDS complications with uncontrolled HIV despite CD4s over 350

Once-daily raltegravir fails to demonstrate non-inferiority compared to twice-dailydosing in phase 3 treatment naive study

FDA safety updates to antiretroviral labels

Update to US saquinavir label

Raltegravir pharmacokinetics inpregnancy

Low birth weight associated with HAART in pregnancy in Zambia

Bilirubin levels in infants following in utero atazanavir exposure compared to exposure to other antiretrovirals

Novel mutations and shifting susceptibility to darunavir and tipranavir

Four-drug single-pill antiretroviral equivalent to Atripla at 48 weeks

High rates of bone loss and progression with HIV in longitudinal study

Spray-dried nanoparticle formulation of efavirenz

Switching boosted-PIs to raltegravir

Early infant diagnosis

Efavirenz-based regimens among womenof reproductive age receiving ART in Johannesburg

START study given green light for full study

Saquinavir prolongation of QT interval: Rocheissue Dear Doctor letter

Development of chronic kidney disease and antiretroviral use in EuroSIDA cohortsince 2004

Rilpivirine (TMC-278) vs efavirenz in treatment-naive patients: phase 3 results

Once-daily nevirapine extended release (XR) is non-inferior to current formulation

GSK572 (dolutegravir): second-generation integrase inhibitor

TBR-652: early results for CCR5 inhibitor

Atazanavir/r plus maraviroc or tenofovir/FTC in treatment-naive patients

Unboosted twice-daily atazanavir plus raltegravir

CASCADE analysis of when to start treatment

Impact of antiretroviral PMTCT prophylaxis regimens on subsequent maternal disease progression in Kesho Bora

Birth outcomes with antiretroviral exposure

No difference in outcomes for children initiating treatment with a protease inhibitor or an NNRTI nor with viral load switching strategies in PENPACT-1

Tablets more acceptable than syrups in the ARROW trial

Paediatric formulation of TMC 278

FDA safety updates to antiretroviral labels

Raltegravir approved inScotland

Atazanavir/r approved in Europefor children aged 6 to 18 years

FDA finally approves 4th generation HIV Ag/Ab test in the US

Antiretroviral pipeline 2010

HIV diagnostics pipeline

START study launched and endorsed by broad community support: over 140 community organisations sign letter to US guideline panel

FDA safety updates to antiretroviral labels

Development of apricitabine halted without finding backer for Phase 3

Treatment reduces infections by over 90%: a theme that is here to stay

ACTG 5205: atazanavir/ritonavir vs efavirenz in treatment naive patients

Pipeline compounds and new approaches to treatment

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