Coinfections and complications

opportunistic infections, coinfections and complications

Kidney signal trouble worsens over 5 years in Japanese on tenofovir

Caution against prolonged use of bisphosphonates in patients with mild-moderate fracture risk

Osteoporosis triples risk of later fracture in 1000-person US HIV group

Bone turnover marker changes early in ART predict bone loss after 96 week

Classic risk factors, but not HIV, linked to arterial stiffness in middle-aged

Cardiovascular disease and other non-AIDS defining events

RIFAQUIN study demonstrates once-weekly dosing during follow-up phase of TB treatment

Combining Xpert and LAM urine testing improves TB diagnostic sensitivity

Deferring ART by four weeks reduces mortality in patients diagnosed with cryptococcal meningitis

One third of HIV positive people at five UK clinics have symptomatic depression: link to adherence and viral suppression – 40% cases are untreated

Hodgkin’s lymphoma: survival normalises to HIV negative rates despite more advanced disease at diagnosis

Promising outcomes from laser ablative treatment of AIN2/3 to prevent anal cancer

KS in the HAART era includes patients with high CD4 and suppressed viral load: importance of KS chemotherapy for some patients in addition to ART

HIV and the brain: longitudinal results from CHARTER and other studies

Systolic blood pressure and risk of myocardial infarction in HIV infection

Risk of non-AIDS defining malignancies and immune suppression

Renal impairment in the D:A:D study

No association between atazanavir and MI or stroke in D:A:D study

No increased risk of non-AIDS deaths from cumulative use of ART in EuroSIDA cohort

HIV linked to frailty in middle-aged IDUs, especially with poor HIV control

US guidelines for management of older people living with HIV (2011)

New studies on HIV and the diseases of ageing

Risk of cataract surgery higher in HIV positive compared to HIV negative people

CD4 count <200 independently associated with 5-fold increased risk of fracture

Hearing loss not associated with HIV in MACS and WIHS cohorts

BHIVA draft guidelines for the treatment of opportunistic infections (2010): online for comment

Rapid HIV disease progression in South African infants co-infected with cytomegalovirus (CMV)

US Guidelines on prevention and treatment of opportunistic infections updated (2009)

Single high dose fluconazole for oropharyngeal candidiasis

Immediate HAART reduces death and AIDS progression over 48 weeks in patients with acute OIs

High 6-month rate of PML survival with aggressive use of 5-drug T-20-based ARV regimen

Elevated risk of lung cancer among people with AIDS

French study raises importance of early screening for anal cancer in HIV-positive people

Prognostic index for risk of progression of Kaposi’s Sarcoma

Fatal seronegative visceral leishmaniasis in Portuguese patient

Summary of STI studies: SMART shows clear increased risk from interrupting treatment at any CD4 count

Rifaximin cure reported for cryptosporidium in advanced HIV

Decreased varicella zoster immunity in migrants from sub-Saharan Africa

Schistosomiasis after immune reconstitution: symptoms appear as HAART side effects

Lymphogranuloma venereum – an overview: update on UK cases of LGV

Nandrolone decanoate combats HIV-related weight loss: results from three randomised studies

Clinical features and predictors of survival in patients with AIDS-related non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma

HBV vaccine, CD4 count and increasing response with double-dose

HIV-associated dementia and cognitive dysfunction

Treating oral hairy leukoplakia with high dose valacyclovir

Stem-cell transplants help beat lymphoma

Valacyclovir is effective prophylaxis against herpes simplex

Studies highlight problems of rectal disease in HIV-positive patients

Protease inhibitors and Kaposi’s sarcoma (KS): KS relapse seen after switch from PI to NNRTI

Tobacco use increases risk for pulmonary diseases and weakens response to therapy in patients on HAART

EBV levels in HIV-positive patients are not reduced by HAART

The efficacy of fluconazole (Diflucan) 600 mg/day versus itraconazole (Sporanox) 600 mg/day for treatment of cryptococcal meningitis in AIDS patients

Paediatrics: neurological and developmental outcomes

Anabolic steroid oxymetholone reduces wasting among HIV patients on HAART

Functional MRI can find brain abnormalities in asymptomatic patients

PML-associated immune restoration disease associated with mortality

Intestinal worm eradication lowers viral load in HIV-positive patients

Paclitaxel effective for advanced AIDS-related Kaposi Sarcoma

Filgrastim seems to increase survival in AIDS patients but the mechanism remains unclear

Oral valganciclovir is as effective as intravenous ganciclovir for induction treatment of CMV retinitis

HIV infection is a risk factor for external genital warts, study suggests

American study finds KS-associated herpesvirus is highly prevalent among gay men

Increased selenium intake may protect HIV positive patients from mycobacterial disease

Study finds that PI-containing regimens have a beneficial effect on oral candidiasis independent of any immune reconstitution

The incidence of non-Hodgkin lymphoma has decreased significantly since the introduction of HAART

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