Side effects

Efavirenz decreases exposure to hormonal contraceptive implant

Increased risk of ART-related hepatotoxicity in HIV positive pregnant women

Efavirenz-associated gynaecomastia reported to the national HIV and TB healthcare workers hotline in South Africa

Poppers-related maculopathy linked to permanent and serious vision loss

Risk of CVD or type-2 diabetes according to change in BMI after starting ART

Rosuvastatin may be partially effective in moderating residual immune activation on ART

Kidney signal trouble worsens over 5 years in Japanese on tenofovir

Bone mineral density linked to inflammatory markers in HIV positive people who are ART naïve

No increase death rate in HIV positive people with renal dysfunction receiving tenofovir in Zambia

Abacavir link to cardiovascular events in high-risk patients maintained in D:A:D study

Two percent rate of efavirenz discontinuation in an ART programme in Malawi

Efavirenz is associated with higher suicide risk in meta-analysis of four ACTG studies

Longitudinal changes in weight, lean body mass and bone mineral density in first-line combinations: ACTG 5205 substudy

ARVs and bone health: the role of NRTIs in second-line therapy

Ending global use of d4T: UNITAID to tip market to safer alternatives

Osteonecrosis in HIV positive patients is associated with increased levels of CRP and D-dimer

No impact of ART on progression or regression of anal squamous intraepithelial lesions

Incidence of cancers in Australian observational cohort

Statin use in HIV positive people

No impact of ART on progression or regression of anal squamous intraepithelial lesions

Osteonecrosis in HIV positive patients is associated with increased levels of CRP and D-dimer

Cognitive disorders are common in French cohort but are not HIV-related

Smoking is largest contributor to reduced life expectancy in Danish HIV cohort

Low bone mineral density in MSM irrespective of HIV status

Low incidence of liver-related deaths in HIV positive people without HBV and/or HCV co-infection

Rapid drop in mitochondria in fat biopsies within four weeks of d4T use

High dose multivitamin use in advanced HIV has no benefit to CD4 and viral load and may cause liver toxicity

Increased incidence of ischemic stroke amongst HIV positive cohort

First report: atazanavir-related gallstones (cholelithiasis)

High prevalence of peripheral neuropathy in children taking d4T in rural South Africa

Skeletal muscle toxicity and raltegravir

Proteinuria as a potential early marker of tenofovir-related renal toxicity

Earlier and greater comorbidities reported in HIV positive cohort

Theratechnologies withdraw EU application for tesamorelin (Egrifta)

Recent studies on HIV, ART and osteoporotic fracture risk

One third of HIV positive people at five UK clinics have symptomatic depression: link to adherence and viral suppression – 40% cases are untreated

Intranasal and topical corticosteroids and risk of Cushing’s symptoms in HIV patients on ritonavir-based combinations

Outcomes from switches to atazanavir/r in London

20% people switch Atripla due to efavirenz side effects: late switches are common

Risk factors associated with End Stage Renal Disease (ESRD) in HIV positive patients in the US Veterans Association (VA) cohort

Associations between tenofovir use and renal complications in VA cohort

No association between atazanavir and MI or stroke in D:A:D study

FDA reject capsaicin patch for HIV-related neuropathy

Hearing loss not associated with HIV in MACS and WIHS cohorts

More metabolic abnormalities in children receiving a PI compared to NNRTI in NEVEREST study

Lopinavir/ritonavir oral solution toxicity in neonates

Tenofovir associated with fewer side-effect related switches compared to AZT or d4T in first-line treatment

Meta-analysis of RCTs support use of smoked cannabis to treat HIV-related peripheral neuropathy

Nevirapine exposure was not associated with hypersensitivity in patients from Malawi

UK studies on bone health: increasedfracture rates reported in HIV-positive people

Muscle weakness or pain analysed as possible raltegravir side effect

Bio-Alcamid associated with unacceptable risk of complications: no longer recommended as a treatment for facial lipoatrophy

FDA safety updates to antiretroviral labels

Update to US saquinavir label

FDA approves tesamorelin for reduction of central fat accumulation

High rates of bone loss and progression with HIV in longitudinal study

Development of chronic kidney disease and antiretroviral use in EuroSIDA cohortsince 2004

Tesamorelin for reduction of central fat accumulation: regulatory decision delayed in the US

75% HIV-positive children have insufficient levels of Vitamin D

High rates of osteopenia and osteoporosis: importance of DEXA monitoring

ACTG 5205: atazanavir/ritonavir vs efavirenz in treatment naive patients

HIV positive people in the HOPS cohort have 4-fold risk of fracture compared to general population in the US

Vitamin D deficiencies in HIV management

Central fat accumulation remains a significant problem in patients starting HAART after 2005 with higher incidence in women compared to men

Alendronate improves bone mineral density in HIV positive people with osteoporosis at 96 weeks

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