Q and A


What can make efavirenz (Atripla/Tribuss etc) easier – or should I change?

I was early with my meds by an hour, is that OK?

I’ve restarted treatment and my viral load is high, what will happen?

I’m thinking of stopping treatment for 6 months, what will happen?

What types of food have the 400 calories needed for Eviplera?

I was late with my dose, is this a problem?

Is my treatment still working or do I need to change?

What are my options with a low level viral load result on dolutegravir?

What can I do if my HIV positive father is depressed?

My meds will run a few days before my next script?

What happens if I stop taking treatment?

I have been off treatment and want to start again. Is that OK?

How accurate do I need to be with the time I take my meds?

What will happen now I have stopped treatment?

Is my viral load undetectable after 5 months?

Can I change the time I take my meds?

How can I hold on to my job and take leave to get to my clinic?

Can I stop meds for a week?

What do I do if I like beer but have trouble with meds?

My viral load is still detectable after six months on Tribuss…

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