Q and A

CD4 and viral load

Will I get infections if my CD4 count is 140?

I had two lines on a rapid test but was negative on the lab test?

What does a CD4% of 3% mean?

Should I worry if my viral load is 180 and CD4 count is 477?

Is my viral load normal and can I still have children?  

Should I worry about a CD4 drop from 470 to 275?

Will food or HIV treatment control my HIV?

I have just started treatment and have questions…

I started treatment at 6 months of pregnancy, will my baby be positive?

Will occasional unhealthiness effect my CD4 count?

I’ve restarted treatment and my viral load is high, what will happen?

How can I boost my CD4 count without ARVs?

I am positive and pregnant, should I take HIV medication?

Missed meds and complications from C-section…

Can I predict my expected CD4 increase after starting treatment?

Is my treatment still working or do I need to change?

I’m undetectable and worried about transmission to my partner..

My CD4 count is 15, what does that mean?

My CD4 count is low and I’m losing weight, why?

What are my options with a low level viral load result on dolutegravir?

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