Q and A

CD4 and viral load

My CD4 is 460, how long have I got?

Is it possible to be undetectable, but have a low CD4?

Why has my CD4 count not increased?

What time should I take Atripla?

My CD4 is 172, how long do I have to live?

My cd4 is over 500, I’m taking meds, but the side effects are terrible. Can I stop?

After 4 months on ART my VL is undetectable, can we stop condoms?

Is it normal to get side effects when starting ARVs late on in a pregnancy?

Do I still have to take my meds even if my CD4 is high?

Will Tribuss always make me dizzy?

Can a motorcycle accident affect your CD4?

I can’t afford ARVs, is it ok to skip a few days?

Can I drink if I take odimune?

I’m HIV positive, can I have a child?

How do I tell my partner that I’m HIV positive?

I’m HIV positive and my CD4 is 377 is that ok?

I have a CD4 of 270, what meds should I take?

How long will I live if I start ARVs on a CD4 count of 500?

Are generics good?

Can your CD4 count show how long you have had HIV?

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