Q and A

CD4 and viral load

Can I take bactrim without knowing my CD4 count?

My viral load is 20, is this OK?

My CD4 is 650, do I have AIDS?

Should I start meds, my CD4 is 500.

I’m HIV+ and have HEP B, will there be drug interactions?

My viral loads gone up, can I change when I take meds?

How can I increase my CD4 count naturally? Its 30.

I’m late with my meds, will I be OK?

Can I restart medication?

Can a flu jab cause a false negative?

I’m undetectable, can I transmit HIV?

My CD4 is 769, can I stop meds?

My CD4 has risen from 166 to 250, is this good?

I am HIV positive – can I drink alcohol or eat pork?

What does my CD4 percentage mean?

I’m not on treatment, how do I tell my boyfriend?

Is it ok to replace atrozia with trivenz?

Can I tell when I became HIV positive?

I stopped meds, can I begin taking them again?

My CD4 count is only 5 – how long will the meds take to work?

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