Q and A

CD4 and viral load

I’m on Rizene treatment, does this mean I am positive?

I’ve recently become positive and have questions..

Are HIV and exercise induced urticaria linked?

I’m feeling ill and worried, will HIV treatment help?

How long should I wait after a cold before getting my blood test?

My mother has just been diagnosed, I have some questions..

How will 12 years of ART effect viral load? The CD4 count is 400.

Am I at risk of getting sick with my CD4 count over 500?

What is my life expectancy if I start ARVs today?

Why is my CD4 T cell count not increasing?

How quickly will my CD4 and viral load change after starting ART?

How to fit taking my treatment around work?

Am I infectious to my partner?

I don’t believe I am HIV positive – but if I am I want to start treatment?

Is a CD4 count of 440 good before starting treatment?

Will changing treatment help my CD4:CD8 ratio?

Is my viral load undetectable after 5 months?

Can my wife and I have direct sex without being infected?

My cd4 count is 306 – is that good or bad?

Is a CD4 count of 366 normal for an HIV positive person?

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