Q and A

CD4 and viral load

With an undetectable viral load mean I might test HIV negative?

What are natural ways to lower HIV viral load?

I just started ARVs with CD4=42 and have rash and pains

Risks from oral sex with undetectable viral load?

My viral load is still detectable after six months on Tribuss…

Should I worry about CD4 change on ART?

If your CD4 count is 300, do you have to start treatment immediately?

My friend in a US prison has detectable viral load and is worried…

In my CD4 count too low to recover? I am Asian, does this matter?

Is my partner at risk and do I need to start treatment?

Can my Mom’s CD4 counts increase as she is older than 50?

Is a CD4 count under 200 AIDS? – my father was just diagnosed

When will we get a cure for HIV?

Why does my CD4 count go up and down?

What is a good CD4 count for people living with HIV?

Can I increase my CD4 count without HIV treatment (ART)?

My CD4 count is 2 – if it falls to zero can it come back?

Just diagnosed with HIV and TB and my CD4 count is 125…

Will my viral load be OK by the time i deliver my baby?

Will my viral load be undetectable in time to have negative baby?

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