Q and A

CD4 and viral load

Can i be with someone who is HIV negative?

How do i know if my treatment is working?

I’m not getting any side effects, is this ok?

Why have i been given Septrin?

Which foods increase CD4 count?

Which immune booster pills will decrease my viral load?

How do I improve and maintain my CD4 count?

Why does my CD4 count change over time?

Is a CD4 count under 100 bad?

I have severe side effects after 6 months on efavirenz

What do my viral load test results mean?

Can I try to conceive on efavirenz and Truvada?

My CD4 count is very low, will treatment still work?

How quickly should CD4 and viral loads change after starting ART?

Should I start treatment in seroconversion?

Will “immune boosters” help my CD4 count?

My partner is positive, will i get infected?

I moved and lost my insurance, i can’t afford meds now.

Do i need to keep taking Septrin?

Can i use herbalife supplements?

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