Q and A

CD4 and viral load

Can foods increase my CD4 count?

Can my CD4 count indicate when I was infected?

Why is my CD4% so low?

When was I infected?

Why has my CD4 count increased without treatment?

If viral load is undetectable in blood, what about other places?

Will my CD4 count ever get back to ‘normal’ levels?

My CD4 count is low. Can I have a baby?

My CD4 is 501 but I'm worried that I'm WHO 'stage 2'

Just diagnosed with a CD4 1200, what do my digestive problems mean?

Could changing from Atripla to Tribuss have caused my viral load to increase?

How much does treatment cost?

I'm newly diagnosed. What's causing me continous itching?

Does a viral load of 23,000 and CD4 17% mean my son is getting sick?

I’m newly diagnosed- are my CD4 and viral load test results ok?

Is an increase of 500 copies in my viral load normal?

Should I be concerned about my CD4 and CD8 percentages?

What do my lab results mean?

How do I prepare for my CD4 and viral load tests?

Where can I find studies on reasons for CD4 count changes?

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