Q and A

CD4 and viral load

Does my CD4 count mean I was infected recently?

What is an undetectable viral load?

Can you start treatment with a CD4 count in the normal range?

Will diet and exercise increase my CD4 count?

How can my CD4 count increase and I am not on treatment?

Does having a low CD4 count mean I will get OIs?

Why do CD4 counts sometimes not return to normal levels?

Is my CD4% results is more stable than CD4 count?

Why does my CD4 count drops?

My partner’s viral load has increased slightly. Should I be worried?

I haven’t seen my doctor for seven years but I’m feeling well…

How can you tell if I’m a slow progressor?

What is the normal range for CD4 count?

Would I get cold/sorethroat more frequently that I am HIV positive?

Does late diagnosis means my lifespan is shorten?

Why is my CD4 and VL remain still remain the same?

How can I increase my CD4 count?

Should I be worried if my viral load increases from 20 to 100?

Should I worry with viral load results of 94 and 114?

Can other infection lower my CD4 count?

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