Q and A

CD4 and viral load

I am just diagnosed with a CD4 count of 10?

What is the normal range for CD8? Does it change soon after infection?

My CD4 is 350,is it safe to wait before starting treatment?

Why does my CD4 count change between 175 and 185?

My viral load is still detectable after 5 months on treatment

What does it means to measure cell counts in µl?

Is a viral load "blip" caused by stress?

What causes my CD4 to drop from 220 to 30 in less than a month?

Does my CD4 of 1000 means I was misdiagnosed?

Can I work out when I was infected from my CD4 count?

What is the outlook for my 51 year old father?

Are my CD4 and viral load results after treatment okay?

Can my girlfriend's CD4 count tell her when she became HIV positive?

Can I take Marinol to increase my CD4 count?

Does Atripla cause memory loss?

Can I take Vitamins for my HIV?

What does a CD4 count of 42 mean?

How soon will my partner see a response to treatment?

I am worried about a drop in my last CD4 count…

Is this a blip on Truvada and nevirapine?

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