Q and A

CD4 and viral load

What is my risk of viral load rebounding?

Is this info on my brother and his CD4 count correct?

I am scared that my viral load has rebounded over 750…

Should I be freaking with a viral load of 110 after 6 months?

Should I start treatment if my CD4 count just dropped to 276?

Can I get treatment in Vietnam?

Can you have a CD4 count of 290 and an undetected viral load?

Will I have resistance from these missed doses of Atripla?

Should my husband have a viral rebound to 5000 retested?

Interactions between tumeric and atazanavir/ritonavir?

Is it okay "not to worry" about my viral load rebound?

What can I do to reduce my viral load that rebounded on Kaletra?

Do I need to boil tap water if my CD4 count is 17?

How can I boost my CD4 over 200? Can I eat oysters and sushi?

What does a CD4 count of 254 mean?

What are the risks of cocaine on CD4 counts for someone on HIV meds?

I am recently infected, can diet help my CD4 count?

Can my cd4 count go up? And if yes, how and when?

What do my test results mean and do I have resistance?

Why has my CD4 count dropped when I am on treatment?

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