Q and A

CD4 and viral load

How can I get my CD4 count to increase?

When should I start ARVs? What are the symptoms of HIV?

What are the risks missing weekend meds?

Should I be aiming for a viral load of 0?

My viral load increased in my third trimester – what should I do?

If I adhere 100% will resistance happen over time anyway?

How can someone with a low CD4 prevent opportunistic infections?

What does a CD4 count of 11 mean?

My CD4 count is good but I am ill – is this normal?

What is happening to my CD4 count and why is it changing?

How can my change in viral load be explained?

Do I have ‘AIDS’?

My CD4 count didn't go above 150, how long have I got to live?

Can I increase my CD4 count with a healthy lifestyle?

Is there a test I can do to show when I was infected with HIV?

Is it a blip or are my medicines not working?

If my partner has an undetectable viral load can I get HIV?

Do I have 9 hours a day without meds if the half-life is 15 hours?

I have a high viral load and my headache is getting worse

Will my CD4 count increase now I am on treatment?

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