Q and A

CD4 and viral load

My uncle’s CD4 is 74, will he be OK?

MY CD4 count is 800 – should I start Atripla?

Does masturbation affect my CD4 count?

My CD4 is 428, can I get pregnant?

Why has my viral load decrease slowed down?

Will a cold affect my CD4 and VL tests?

Why is my CD4% still so low?

Why is my viral load not undetectable?

I’m pregnant, my CD4 is 127- do I need ARVs?

I’m pregnant and positive, should I take Bactrim?

I’m newly diagnosed and pregnant, what’s going to happen?

My CD4 and viral load are stable, do I need treatment?

I was late with a dose, will it matter?

I’m newly diagnosed and starting treatment, what should I expect?

Should I start treatment with a high CD4?

My CD4 count is 24 and I’m not on treatment.

Will I continue to progress slowly?

Could my husband have been positive for many years?

What does a low but detectable viral load mean?

My CD4 has dropped from 900 to 600, should I worry?

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