Q and A

CD4 and viral load

My CD4 count is stuck around 350

Just diagnosed, should I take CD4MAX?

How can my mother boost her CD4 count?

What should my next results be?

Is it normal for CD4 count to drop in pregnancy?

Is this a viral load blip?

CD4 has dropped on treatment

How can I feel fine off-meds with a very low CD4 count?

Are my bf’s CD4 results really this good?

What can I do to improve my CD4?

What can I do if my CD4 count is low in pregnancy?

Is Atripla making my hair thin?

Is treatment working for me?

Why isn’t my CD4 increasing?

What do my viral load and CD4 tests mean?

Is this immunological failure?

How long will it take until I need treatment?

Why has my CD4 stopped increasing?

My viral load is 20, will it go lower?

My CD4 is 500, VL is 1000, is that bad?

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