Q and A

CD4 and viral load

Is a CD4 count of 433 good?

Why has my CD4 count has dropped?

Will rabies treatment affect my CD4?

Is 873 a good CD4 count?

Can I keep my CD4 strong without ARVs?

My CD4 is 955, what’s my life expectancy?

Is a CD4 of 566 good?

What is the meaning of CD4 380?

Are my results good after 3 years on treatment?

Why is my CD4 going up and down?

How high will my CD4 go on treatment?

What is the normal CD4 in an HIV positive person?

What is my life expectancy?

Partner’s viral load has increased from 41 to 50

Questions about CD4 count changes

Please can you answer these three questions about CD4 count?

My CD4 count has dropped after 6 months on ARVs

Why has my CD4 count dropped?

Questions about CD4 counts and Immunace

Did erectile dysfunction drugs cause viral load increase?

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