Q and A

CD4 and viral load

My partner’s CD4 is 800, can he start treatment?

What causes viral load blips?

I have a CD4 of 714, when should i start ARVs?

Can i use my CD4 count to tell how long i’ve been infected?

How can i increase my CD4 count?

We are both HIV positive, what are the chances of re-infecting each other?

My CD4 count is 14%, am i going to die soon?

My CD4 has dropped by 65, do i need to be worried?

My husband’s viral load has been going up and is at 100. Is this treatment failure?

My CD4 has only risen slowly, should i be alarmed?

Does a viral load of 5 million copies stand for 5 thousand?

Why is my viral load undetectable without treatment?

Is it possible to have a CD4 count of 2000?

My CD4 is 355 off treatment, am I OK?

Should I be worried about CD4 decrease?

My CD4 is 411, is this good?

Is a CD4 of 311 on treatment OK?

My CD4 is good, why am I nervous?

My CD4 count is declining, should I worry?

What’s the difference between a CD4 of 788 and 399?

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