Q and A

Drug interactions

Can I take an energy shot with Eviplera?

Can I use herbal sinus treatment with my ARVs?

Why shouldn't I take Echinacea?

Can I take Venteze (salbutamol) with my ARVs?

I'm HIV positive and on Bactrim. Can I continue take Centrum multivitamins?

Can I take steriods if I'm on HIV medication?

Can I take Atripla with training supplements?

Does drinking aloe vera interact with my meds?

What happens if don’t take Atripla on an empty stomach?

What does 'take with food' mean for darunavir?

Can HIV meds make me fail a recreational drug screening test?

Alcohol with Atripla?

Can immunadue heal an abcess?

Can I take Vitamins for my HIV?

Can I drink lime cordial with my meds?

Will grapefruit in cosmetics interact with my HIV meds?

I'm worried about my partner drinking heavily on Atripla

Are there interactions between by ARVs and these supplements?

Interactions between tumeric and atazanavir/ritonavir?

Is there an interaction between chloranphenicole and my HIV meds?

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